Buckinghamshire bird news

Search results

You searched for all sightings reported between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022.

29/11/22YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERHardmead1L Evans
Calling loudly and repeatedly from a tall Holm Oak canopy at around once every 20 minutes in the Rectory garden. Classic loud somewhat Pied Wagtail-like call. Despite late November, a bright individual and a brilliant local find by Rob Norris.  
29/11/22YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERHardmead1R Norris
Calling from a Holm Oak for about 5 mins. Seen briefly. (Sound recorded) In the grounds of a private garden but could possibly be heard from the adjacent churchyard.  
08/10/22YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWooburn Green1M Milne
In trees at point marked on map. Very shy and elusive, but I did get a brief view of it as it quickly hopped from branch to branch at the top of a poplar and also heard it call a few times, although infrequently. All this took place from 1:30-1:45pm. SU911881.  
08/10/22YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWooburn Green1J E Rose
Refound this morning by David Bevan on the same tree as heard yesterday. I saw it about 8am. Calling infrequently and constantly on the move. Views very brief. DB managed a photograph.  
07/10/22YELLOW-BROWED WARBLERWooburn Green1J E Rose
I was walking with my wife and our dog in Wooburn Park and heard an unusual call directly above my head in a fairly large Maple(?) tree. The bird called for regularly for over a minute and must have been fairly close but I couldn't see it. I decided to record the call and managed just one call as a large aircraft flew over and it stopped calling. I checked the immediate area straight after this but no sign. I also revisited the site at 5pm when David Bevan was there but again no sign. The bird was in the area where Dalton's Path meet the main grassy area (NE area).