Buckinghamshire local patch listing

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1A J StevensLittle Marlow GP202 15/01/2024
2J E RoseLittle Marlow GP199In the area bounded by the Marlow-Bourne End road, Coldmoorholm Lane, River Thames and the STWs.15/01/2024
3A D BassettLittle Marlow GP186 08/12/2022
4G SmithLittle Marlow GP182 21/01/2024
5R S HillLinford Lakes181Birds seen at Linford lakes since 1993 (when I first worked there). Mostly the nature reserve, occasionally Haversham & Dovecote lakes.01/09/2024
6D ParmenterLittle Marlow GP165 10/04/2024
7S RammLittle Marlow GP161Plus Ruddy Shelduck15/01/2024
8L EvansCollege Lake BBOWT159Sightings since 198008/04/2024
9K HoltLittle Marlow GP158My version of LMGP "patch" includes surrounding fields and river meadows between Coldmoorholme Lane and Marlow bypass. Birds excluded: feral Snow Goose & Barnacle Goose.08/10/2020
10D J BevanLittle Marlow150Most recent addition is the Jan2024 Glossy Ibis15/01/2024
11A BeolensFloodplain Forest Nature Reserve149List doesn't include Ruddy Shelduck or Ross's Goose13/07/2022
=E GriffithsCollege Lake149birds missed: Firecrest, Black-winged Stilt, Cattle Egret, Avocet, Bittern, RN Phalarope, Lsr Yellowlegs, Red-throated Diver, GN Diver, Little Auk, Purple Heron, Curlew, Sanderling, Nuthatch, Stone Curlew, Feruginous Duck, Manx Shearwater, Osprey, Hoopoe, SE Owl, Lsr Spotted Woodpecker, Turnstone, Glossy Ibis, Bonaparte's Gull, Crane13/10/2024
13H AppleyardTattenhoe/Tattenhoe Park, Milton Keynes144A local patch list covering Tattenhoe (with Howe Park Wood) and Tattenhoe Park, southwest of the V1/Snelshall Street. Species observed since 2008. The vast majority of these were seen or heard on walks and a small number solely recorded from sky watches and nocturnal migration recording from home including Pochard, Common Scoter and Pink-footed Goose. Excludes Ruddy Shelduck.11/08/2024
14R NorrisGayhurst Quarry141 27/08/2023
15P GibbsFoxcote Reservoir132 14/02/2024
16A Horsleyouse valley park110since september 201812/02/2023
17P Gomersallfoxcote reservoir108All birds from 202011/04/2024
18H Al-FarhanMagna Park, Milton Keynes88Magna Park and surrounding area. All birds that have been recorded at the patch.14/05/2022
19H K ParthibanBirds in 10km radius from my home area (New Road, Amersham86Good meadows, chestnut lane woods, garden, penn woods, School20/08/2024
20A MacGarveyAndrew MacGarvey82Tingewick/Tingewick Woods28/07/2024
21N D ManthorpeLittle Marlow Gravel Pit61 01/01/2022
22P GomersallFoxcote Reservoir58All birds seen and heard in 202330/03/2023
23T HardwareGallows Bridge Farm57This includes only in and around the Hide area and excludes the vast array of fields and rivers that other have access to.08/03/2016
24P GibbsGallows3 18/04/2024
2023Adam Bassett136
2022Adam Bassett130
2021Adam Bassett129
2020Adam Bassett128
2019Adam Bassett126
2018Simon Nichols158
2017Adam Bassett139
2016Adam Bassett129
2015Adam Bassett, Alan Stevens123