Great Northern Diver


Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver
Great Northern Diver


2022Great Northern Diver, Tattenhoe Park, Milton Keynes, 4th November, One over.
2021Great Northern Diver, Caldecotte Lake, 15th December to 9th January 2022, A 1st winter bird.
2020Great Northern Diver, Willen Lake South, 21st December, An adult which stayed into 2021 but was unfortunately caught in fishing line and died.
2020Great Northern Diver, Startop's End Reservoir (Bucks Section), 20th December, A juvenile moved from Wilstone Res to Starstopsend Res, then onto College Lake and flew off towards Ivinghoe Beacon.
2020Great Northern Diver, Caldecotte Lake, 17th November to 1st April 2021, A 1st winter. What is considered to be the same bird was then seen flying SE over Tattenhoe Park, M Keynes on 2nd Apr.
2020Great Northern Diver, Calvert, 16th-17th November, An adult.
2017Great Northern Diver, Calvert, 2nd December to 7th January 2018, A juv on 2nd Dec was joined on the afternoon of 14th Dec by a second juv. It remained until 7th Jan 2018.
2015Great Northern Diver, College Lake, 21st November.
2011Great Northern Diver, Caldecotte Lake, 1st winter, 16th November to 3rd January 2012.
2009Great Northern Diver, Calvert, 1st winter, 14th-15th November.
2006Great Northern Diver, Calvert, Immature, 28th-29th November.
1997Great Northern Diver, Caldecotte Lake, 1st winter, 23rd December to 6th January 1998.
1997Great Northern Diver, Calvert, Adult, 27th-28th November.
1994Great Northern Diver, Willen Lakes, 16th December, 1 in the gull roost on 16th Dec stayed for a short while on the following day.
1986Great Northern Diver, Taplow GP, 12th December to 11th January 1987.
1972Great Northern Diver, Linford GPs, 12th November.
1971Great Northern Diver, Willen Lakes, In 1971 but found dead probably in Feb 1972.
1965Great Northern Diver, Iver, 17th January.
1964Great Northern Diver, Foxcote Res, 4th November, 1 found in a field on 4th Nov was released on the reservoir but was found dead 2 days later.
1944Great Northern Diver, Calvert, Immature, 11th November, An immature shot on 11th Nov.
1865Great Northern Diver, Temple Island Meadows, 1 killed.
1865Great Northern Diver, Marlow, 1 on the River Thames in Nov or Dec was killed.
1859Great Northern Diver, Chesham, 1 in Nov or Dec.
1850Great Northern Diver, Chequers, 9th May, A “young” bird in a ditch on 9th May was captured alive.
1774Great Northern Diver, Ford, 3rd December.
0Great Northern Diver, Calvert BBOWT Lake, 21st December to 21st January 2021, 1 present.