Hampshire bird news

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You searched for all sightings reported between 01/01/2022 and 31/12/2022.

06/10/22SPOTTED SANDPIPERFarlington Marshes1J Crook
Feeding on the pools in the ditch opposite the blockhouse on the eastern seawall from 16.15 where it gave intermittent views. It has been very shy and elusive ever since I first found the bird on the evening of 28 September. For any chance of seeing or photographing the bird closer, and to avoid spooking it, I would advise hunkering down on the seawall opposite those pools, or the closer pools on the Deeps, and being patient.  
04/10/22SPOTTED SANDPIPERFarlington Marshes1R Watts
04/10/22SPOTTED SANDPIPERFarlington Marshes1A R Howe
First-winter. Came to the nearer Deeps at one point but otherwise distant and mostly out of view. Best place to look is slightly North of The Deeps and looking back.  
03/10/22SPOTTED SANDPIPERFarlington Marshes1T Doran
On the deeps, but usually at the back behind the farm track and so not easy to see, but does get on the front of the deeps occasionally, though does appear to be easily spooked by people on the sea-wall. Initially found by Jason Crook and thanks to the recorder, Keith Betton, for facilitating an expert view of the photos from Andy Stoddart to firm-up the identification.