Buckinghamshire bird news

Saturday 18th March 2017

18/03/17BlackcapBuckingham1D Shephard
Singing early morning in garden.  
18/03/17BlackcapMarlow Bottom1A D Bassett
Wintering male still singing in garden.  
18/03/17SiskinWhitchurch1T Watts
Male on garden feeders again.  
18/03/17BlackcapMarlow Bottom1A D Bassett
Wintering male still singing in garden.  
18/03/17FieldfareRowsham20M Wallen
Fell out of the sky early morning and into hedgerow, had clearly been migrating east.  
18/03/17RedwingRowsham15M Wallen
Fell out of the sky and into a hedgerow early morning, had clearly been migrating East.  
18/03/17Grey PartridgeRowsham2M Wallen
18/03/17BlackcapRowsham1M Wallen
male. Singing from ivy, there has not been one here all winter, an obvious migrant.  
18/03/17ChiffchaffRowsham2M Wallen
Singing males, same birds as day before.  
18/03/17Black-headed GullDorney Lake, Dorney150D L Cleal
In horse fields opposite DL entrance.  
18/03/17RedwingDorney Lake, Dorney6D L Cleal
In bushes in horse fields outside DL entrance.  
18/03/17FieldfareDorney Lake, Dorney5D L Cleal
with Starlings.  
18/03/17StarlingDorney Lake, Dorney120D L Cleal
Noisy active flock in horse fields outside DL entrance.  
18/03/17OystercatcherLittle Marlow GP3D L Cleal
So with my DL sighting, 5 Oystercatchers in South Bucks!!  
18/03/17Little Ringed PloverLittle Marlow GP1D L Cleal
18/03/17Sand MartinLittle Marlow GP30D L Cleal
High over the wood behind the spit. With MM.  
18/03/17WigeonLittle Marlow GP9D L Cleal
18/03/17ShovelerLittle Marlow GP12D L Cleal
18/03/17OystercatcherDorney Lake, Dorney2D L Cleal
Looked paired up. Can't remember 2 here together before. By the Seasonal Pool, viewed from the entrance road.  
18/03/17BlackcapChesham Bois Village4J R Ogle
2m 2f. A second female joined the 'resident' trio.  
18/03/17WoodcockPrestwood1P Stanford
1 flushed from edge of woodland.  
18/03/17ChiffchaffCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert1L Evans
Singing male.  
18/03/17Great Crested GrebeCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert3L Evans
18/03/17KingfisherCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert1L Evans
18/03/17Cetti's WarblerCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert1L Evans
Singing away at dusk.  
18/03/17Black-headed GullCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert140L Evans
18/03/17Yellow-legged GullCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert5L Evans
Very unusual for March and all sub-adult - 2 3cy and 3 4cy.  
18/03/17Lesser Black-backed GullCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert750L Evans
At least 750 in roost, largely migrant adults.  
18/03/17Herring GullCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert133L Evans
133 in at roost by 1820.  
18/03/17Iceland GullCalvert BBOWT Lake, Calvert2L Evans
4cy (essentially adult but with some dark peppering about nape and head and some brown in wing coverts) and a juvenile (still not bleached and with not much pink on the bill). The adult-type is different to the bird I saw on the Landfill on 3rd March (LGRE and Steve Rodwell).  
18/03/17ShelduckCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
Male. Arrived early afternoon.  
18/03/17SnipeCollege Lake3A C Bayliss
On North island. Viewed from the Octagon hide.  
18/03/17RedshankCollege Lake6A C Bayliss
Spent some of the day off the reserve but returned mid-afternoon.  
18/03/17LapwingCollege Lake4A C Bayliss
18/03/17OystercatcherCollege Lake2A C Bayliss
18/03/17Grey HeronCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
18/03/17BuzzardCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
18/03/17KestrelCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
18/03/17Mute SwanCollege Lake5A C Bayliss
18/03/17TealCollege Lake3A C Bayliss
18/03/17PochardCollege Lake6A C Bayliss
18/03/17Tufted DuckCollege Lake32A C Bayliss
18/03/17GadwallCollege Lake38A C Bayliss
18/03/17WigeonCollege Lake12A C Bayliss
18/03/17ShovelerCollege Lake7A C Bayliss
18/03/17Song ThrushCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
18/03/17GreenfinchCollege Lake5A C Bayliss
18/03/17ChiffchaffCollege Lake2A C Bayliss
Singing despite the blustery wind and drizzle.  
18/03/17SkylarkCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
18/03/17Green WoodpeckerCollege Lake2A C Bayliss
18/03/17BullfinchCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
18/03/17Reed BuntingCollege Lake3A C Bayliss
Two males and a female on the visitor centre feeders.  
18/03/17Little GrebeCollege Lake1A C Bayliss
On the marsh.  
18/03/17KingfisherLittle Marlow GP1K Holt
18/03/17Sand MartinLittle Marlow GP55K Holt
Groups of 32, 15 and 8 from 15:00 to 16:30 - moving through north beyond east side of lake.  
18/03/17Little Ringed PloverLittle Marlow GP1K Holt
On west edge of spit - feeding but very casually.  
18/03/17FieldfareLittle Marlow GP70K Holt
Feeding with starling in 1st field east of concrete road.  
18/03/17StarlingLittle Marlow GP50K Holt
Feeding with fieldfare in 1st field east of concrete road.  
18/03/17SkylarkLittle Marlow GP1K Holt
Singing from second field east of concrete road.  
18/03/17OystercatcherLittle Marlow GP3K Holt
On east edge of spit.  
18/03/17Little EgretLittle Marlow GP1K Holt
Perched low on north side of main island.  
18/03/17Reed BuntingStowe1M S Hunt
18/03/17Meadow PipitStowe1M S Hunt
18/03/17FieldfareStowe30M S Hunt
18/03/17ChiffchaffStowe2M S Hunt
18/03/17Little GrebeStowe1M S Hunt
18/03/17RedpollFlackwell Heath3J Chadbone
On feeders - first this year.  
18/03/17Black RedstartBerryfields1D Parker
Male black redstart on rooftops in Jazz Road Berryfields Then flew off towards limelight Ave.  
18/03/17Barnacle GooseOlney30C Harris
on olney meadows by the river.  
18/03/17RavenTom Burt's Hill, High Wycombe1P Lock
Unusual in the middle of Wycombe!  
18/03/17Sand MartinLittle Marlow GP4T James
18/03/17ChiffchaffLittle Marlow GP6T James
18/03/17Little Ringed PloverLittle Marlow GP1T James
On spit.  
18/03/17OystercatcherLittle Marlow GP3T James
On spit.  
18/03/17Reed BuntingLittle Marlow GP1T James
18/03/17FieldfareLittle Marlow GP30T James
In field north of reserve.  
18/03/17Sand MartinLittle Marlow GP37A D Bassett
mostly going west over the STW.  
18/03/17Little Ringed PloverLittle Marlow GP1A D Bassett
18/03/17OystercatcherLittle Marlow GP3A D Bassett
18/03/17Black RedstartAylesbury1N Truby
fem. On roof by pond at bottom of Limelight Avenue. 10:00.  
18/03/17GreenfinchBuckingham1M S Hunt
"Dweezing " calls.  
18/03/17BlackcapBuckingham1M S Hunt