Hampshire county listing

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1D Unsworth345Just one addition in 2022 - the Black Duck. Many thanks to the finder.19/12/2022
2J M Clark338Started birding late 68. Resident inland in Hampshire throughout! Latest Surf Scoter off Pennington March 2023, a good grip back after being away for two previously available birds, and Cory's Shearwater picked up by Graham Stephenson and watched circling for 5 minutes at our inland viz mig watchpoint at Tweseldown - 35 miles from the coast, Nov 2022.19/03/2023
3P F Fawkes335Began taking a casual interest in local bird life in 1967 at the age of fourteen. A spell in Scotland in the mid-nineties did not enhance my Hampshire List any. Finally persuaded to delete the Sandy Point White-winged Black from my List (!), but still considering the So'ton Water Sooty Shearwater (talk about taking advantage of the vulnerable) and an early 70's Snow Goose on the Avon.13/12/2022
4L Evans334Hampshire Birding since 1975.......and finally added an Ortolan Bunting in September 2018! Additions - Hooded Crow, Pigeon House Farm, 11/3/2019 Squacco Heron, Posbrook Floods, 25/5/2019, White-spotted Bluethroat, Hook-with-Warsash Links, 9/9/2019, Eastern Olivaceous Warbler, Farlington Marsh, 14/9/2019, Black Guillemot, Barton-on-Sea, 20/7/2021, Western Sandpiper, Normandy Lagoon, 6/10/2122/12/2022
5S Ingram333 28/06/2024
6N Jones330Moved to Hampshire in 1986, but managed a few twitches in the county pre that date (includes heard only). New for 2022: Serin, Black Duck12/12/2022
7A Johnson329American wigeon, black duck & rosefinch in '22. 2021: western sand, black guille, GRW, Baikal. 20: aquatic, Caspian tern, purple heron, whiskered tern. 19: EOW, squacco, hoodie. 18: Bluethroat, Marsh sand, Savi's. 17: L scaup, ELEGANT TERN! little bunt: pallid harrier, rbfly, stilt sand: Penduline, w-r sand, b-e wheatear, Bonaparte's, g ylegs: Franklin's gull for 300! Sibe stonechat, st eagle18/12/2022
8P E Hutchins328Congrats to Alan on finding a much-deserved County 1st - a long-awaited and anticipated addition to the county avifauna.28/10/2017
9T Lawman327Started birding just after the Farlington Franklin's. With more effort years ago,Hants List should be higher.Latest additions,Bee-eater, Night Heron.Cheesefoot Head Black Kite was not accepted,amazed at how many people have this on their list.Lady Am must be top of the list to go surely?If not I'd like to hear a compelling reason why it should stay, so I can add it to my list,2013 Brown Shrike 21/09/2013
10D J Ryves326New for 22;Black Duck; Dipper; Nothing added in 21 but missed Baikal Teal due to sticking to covid rules and Great Reed Wbler, Black Guillemot and Western Sand due to not being in the county at the time. 15/12/2022
=A S Rhodes326Started birding in the second half of the 70's but with a stint in the RN in the 80's, regular foreign trips and the occasional "its only a Hants tick" moment means I do have some ommisions that should be on the list. 2024 - Serin at last, thanks Trev.29/06/2024
12A Lewis3242022 - latest American Wigeon, Black Duck, Dipper, heard two different Great Reeds and saw the Hook bird in flight, but not counted (yet).16/12/2022
13A R Howe323Started birding 2002; paying attention to County listing from 2009. No duff Snow Geese/Pheasants on this list. Nor any heard only. 2023: zilch - absolute shocker! 2024: Marsh Sandpiper so far - as always, great finds by all and thanks for the news.19/04/2024
14W Borras321That is one behind me playing with a less than straight bat I have been birding in Hampshire for years before I was born26/09/2018
15S P Piggott319Started birding in 1990, county listing since 1998. Most of my birding is at Keyhaven & Pennington.19/03/2023
=L M Fuller319Latest; 2017;Barred Warbler, pink-footed goose, Lesser scaup, White-winged black tern, Serin, Little Bunting.19/04/2024
17D Wallace315 03/04/2023
=K Pearce315 20/04/2024
19I Calderwood312Moved down south from Liverpool in 1972 but spent until 1993 in the Royal Navy so missed a lot during the time I was away. Found the Walpole Park Ring billed Gull, Titchfield Haven Penduline Tits. Latest- Marsh Sandpiper 21/04/2024
20G Horacek-Davis310New for 2015: Surf Scoter04/03/2015
=I D Wells310 04/04/2023
22M F Wearing309Resident in Hampshire since 1971. Grew up in just over the border in Surrey. A life time of birding. Cirl Bunting on Hayling in the 1950's. Some notable gaps. Text message of the Hayling Dusky Warbler as I was coming round from a major op. Dipped Roller and had driven to Norfolk leaving behind Farlington's Black-eared Wheatear.17/03/2019
=S Keen309 30/10/2020
=D R Bishop309Living on Portland now, having retired. Still enjoy the odd trip to add to my Hants List.18/03/2023
25R H Marchant3082021: Purple Heron, Black Guillemot, WWBT, Western Sandpiper. 2022: Black Duck, Iberian Chiffchaff (Otterbourne bird yet to be ratified), Great Reed Warbler (Heard only). Thanks to finders. 08/01/2023
26K Betton307Savi's Warbler is heard-only03/01/2021
27M Rolfe306 13/12/2022
=J J Goodridge306Birding since the age of 13 where I kicked off in the Horndean and Cowplain area. Then discovered Farlington Marshes and never looked back. Got into twitching (over 420+ UK life list) but more keen to bird locally. Had a quick update on my Hampshire list. Sabine's Gull added Jan 2023.09/01/2023
29J R Waterman304 04/04/2023
30M Halligan3032022 Additions - Dipper, Black Duck, Am Wigeon, Ibby Chiffy.22/03/2023
=G D Fennemore303I have lived in hants all my life and started birding sometime in 1972. Spent most of my early years knocking around farlington marshes until i learnt to drive then kind of forgot my hants list hence some glaring omissions. Hope to improve this in future28/06/2024
32S Hartill301Moved to Southampton in 1996, but sometimes crossed the county line from West Sussex, to bird beforehand. Started birding aged 9. still have glaring omissions from my county list, as not obsessive about listing. If it's a bird I have seen well abroad, I normally find it hard to motivate myself to see one in the UK or sometimes even in Hampshire, if crowds are involved! 30/12/2022
33D Robertson300Birding in Hampshire since Early '90's. Still looking for my bogey, Red-necked Phalarope, which I seem to continually miss!12/02/2022
=A Lester300Living in county since Sept 2000. 2018 Little bunting (in neighbours garden!), Savi's w, ring-n parakeet and marsh sand. 2019 squacco, icterine and hooded crow.2020 hoopoe, Caspian tern, self-found black kite & self found bee eater.2021 Baikal teal, purple heron, Western sand 2022 Iberian chiff chaff, dipper, whiskered tern, Am wigeon04/04/2023
35N J Montegriffo299 20/07/2021
=K Wills299Started birding in mid-70s, and have always lived in NE Hants. My county list has been a gradual accumulation, and I have certainly missed a few over the years. Latest additions: Marsh Sandpiper03/05/2024
37S Copsey298Lived in the county since 93. Birding/Listing more serious from around 2000. Cruising the Grey Funnel Line has cost me a number of good birds over the years, but I'll get round to them sooner or later.08/06/2022
=D Stevenson298 05/04/2023
39M Francis294 28/06/2024
40J Norton291Although I've been going since the late 1970s I've missed a lot due to periods spent out of the county, not being on grapevines or simply lack of interest. Updated Nov 2013 - caught up with Sabine's Gull last year and saw the Roller, Brown Shrike, Dusky Warbler and Semi-palmated Plover this year but didn't go for the Golden Oriole or Radde's Warbler.05/11/2013
41P Lord2902015 additions: Surf Scoter, Bonaparte's Gull and Greater Yellowlegs. 2016 additions: Caspian Gull, Red-breasted Flycatcher. 2017 addition: Lesser Scaup and Barred Warbler. 2018 addition: Little Bunting. 2019 addition: Hooded Crow, Glossy Ibis Squacco Heron. NOW 294 Spp. 25/05/2019
42D R Bishop288Started birding in 1971 when split my time between Pennington and Portland. Part of the Hayling crew in the 80s. Living in Botswana 1989-97, annual foreign trips and autumn visits to Scilly most autumns has resulted in several major dips. I need to do some sea watching and chase a few scarce birds to reach 300! Best finds Yellow-billed Cuckoo (when I was 21 - the same age as my son - and unfortunately not repeated!), Pect Sand, Long-tailed Skua, Yellow-browed Warbler + team efforts of Ortolan Bunting & Temmincks Stint. I'm not ticking Snow Goose until I see one that looks vaguely wild - not holding my breath in Hampshire.08/12/2012
43S Woolley287Been birding in Hants since 1983 (when a right squeaker with no transport), with a four year gap 1988-92. Lots of tart's ticks still required, most egregiously Pom Skua and Puffin. Milford here I come..... Latest additions: Roller, May 2013; Dipper, Dec 2012; Balearic Shearwater, Aug 2012; Roller, May 2013; Long-billed Dowitcher & Hoopoe, August 2013; Brown Shrike, Sep 2013.22/09/2013
=D J Pearson287Seen and accepted only. 2020: Caspian Tern at Fishlake Meadows, 2019: Nothing!, 2018: Savi's Warbler at Farlington, Thayer's Gull at Blashford; 2017: Barred Warbler at Titchfield, Lesser Scaup at Blashford, Little Bunting at Portsdown Hill; 2016: Ring-necked Parakeet in Soton; 2015: Bonaparte's Gull in Soton, Greater Yellowlegs at Titchfield Haven and (Eastern) Black-eared Wheatear at Acres Down.09/10/2022
45K J Ilsley28525/11/2016
=P N Milinets-Raby285Just a quick count without looking up my passed notes. There are at least four or five species that I just can not remember where and which ones I've seen! When I get more time I will check through with more certainly. Best finds in this county are Alpine Swift, White Stork, Black Kite, Laughing Gull, Night Heron and Purple Heron. Did all my running around in the middle 1970's to 1980's. Since then very lethargic about anything more than 200 metres from my house!21/06/2019
47M G Painter283 03/08/2022
48R Ford281 07/12/2020
49C Allen28012/07/2015
50M Finlason277Moved to Hampshire from West Sussex in 1958 but only started regular birdwatching, particularly in the Titchfield Haven area, in recent years. Seen some changes in that time. Cirl Buntings for instance used to be relatively common along the coast. Saw last Hants one at Portsdown in the sixties. Remember my first Little Egret, Collared Dove and Cettis Warbler with pleasure. Due to my job I was able to birdwatch all over the planet amassing a life list of 2,422 species. My county list number is fairly low as I do not chase birds. I'd rather pick a likely spot, sit, and patiently wait for them to come to me. And in due course, guess what, they do!02/04/2017
=A Davidson277Trying to compile this now (as a former Sussex birder) I'm sure there are some I've missed, I've seen Hoopoe in all the surrounding counties but can't recall one in Hants (now in the bag).29/04/2018
=R Sawyer277Sorry Olly22/04/2024
53O Frampton275Hampshire listing at a snails pace since 2011. Missed some crippling rares due to work commitments, but still got plenty of easy targets to get. Ruddy Shelduck not included in this list.20/05/2024
54A James270 14/11/2020
=T J Saunders270 30/04/2024
=A Friend270Been birding keenly since 2016 Farlington being my local patch . Love a Hants twitch and met a lot of nice birders and even some toggers latest ticks for 2022 are Ring necked duck leaches petrol Tree sparrow black duck American wigeon28/06/2024
57J Moseley266Top species still to see include Willow Tit and Ruddy Duck (if they haven't all been shot). Just 'seen' on this list, none 'heard'.18/01/2024
58N R Smart2652024 slow start but such a lovely Marsh Sand, what an elegant little bird.23/04/2024
=A C Fisher265 27/04/2024
60A B Tew262Birding in 1960's stopped for many years restarted 2010's .07/04/2024
=P Boult2622024 - Marsh Sandpiper 2023 - Long-billed Dowitcher, Hooded Crow, Black-winged Stilt, Shore Lark, Sabine's Gull, Tree Sparrow25/04/2024
62A J Dickety261 19/04/2024
63K J Simpson256 20/10/2020
=A MacNish256 02/08/2022
65J Stockwell255Out of County now but pop back now and then...14/10/2013
66G B Langley254I moved to Hampshire (Swanmore) in June 2018 but I've visited the county many times for some 50 years. There are some glaring gaps in my county list I hope to plug eventually but, as a "world birder" with 3500+ birds on my list, I can't see sense in twitching a Hampshire guillemot! Any queries or amendments welcome. grahamlangley@yahoo.co.uk18/06/2024
67M Pitt252 19/04/2019
68R White25105/12/2015
=C Geary251 04/06/2024
=K Brookes251Have played football, tennis & golf all my life. Will go out birding with A Friend if i've nothing better to do.04/06/2024
=O Crabbe251Started Birding in Feb 2016, local patch Farlington Marshes and usually bird with Kev06/06/2024
72T Stone244Been interested in wildlife and birds since an early age. I didn't get into serous birding until 2019. Try and get out as much as I can to increase both Hampshire and uk subject to work and kids! Local area includes fishlake meadows, do love a walk around keyhaven though! 10/06/2024
73P Matthews243resident in hants since 198808/01/2024
74S Moger240 06/06/2024
75J Manley238 04/06/2024
76J Cutting236Birded on and off for years, got back into it properly in 2014 with my first ever twitch being the Lepe Lesser Yellowlegs. Travel a lot for work so most of my birding is out of county, but will still bird Hants when i can. 2021 Hants additions were: Western Sand(Normandy Marsh) , Pink Stink(Martin Down), Stone Curlew(Farlington)21/03/2022
77P S Scorey235I started bird watching about 1979 when I was seven years old, but it wasn't until 1995 that I started writing up year lists. I have never thought Of doing a county list so here goes. I have not got a great list of rare birds as I am more of a bird watcher, I will turn up somewhere and see what's about. (I Might Have to do a bit of twitching to improve my list ). Dates entered are dates I first saw species.22/01/2023
78P Rutter233 23/03/2023
=G Pullin233Grew up on the Broadlands Estate right alongside the River Test and started off my list strolling around the farmland and river ticking off lots of the key species. Have bird-watched a lot in Europe and remember watching 200+ Black Kites flying over-head in Southern Portugal but have never seen one in Hampshire :)29/11/2023
80R Mould-Ryan232Have been birding in Hants since my mid-teens/ late 70's; indifferent total due to long-ish periods of low or inactivity (especially since becoming a dad) and not doing much twitching. When I do get out I try to spread my time between my patch (Hamble area) and the rest of the county fairly evenly. Will fill in the list when I get half an hour......16/02/2012
81J G Ross227A bit of a patch watcher, badminston, Lepe, Fawley refinery, Calshot, Blackwell, Inchmery, exbury, Kings copse , more patches than birds!!!02/01/2024
82S C Harvey226I've been birding in Hampshire since 1976, but I don't enjoy big twitches and I seldom travel for rarities.09/04/2016
=D Payne226 07/02/2023
84C D Roseveare225Birding since the early 1970s, but mostly in other counties until recent years. Currently working on my Hampshire list10/06/2024
85J Bee223 20/12/2020
86W G D Legge221Not conciously pursued a Hants county list but totaled it up for fun. Probably overlooked some species that I have seen in the county. Have not resided in the county since 1986 - occasional visitor from overseas these days.19/05/2015
87L Nnnn220 10/05/2020
88O Parker219Have been birding since the age of seven. Have lived in both Hampshire and Sussex. Wanted to enhance my birding knowledge so joined a local ringing group some years ago but unfortunately due to work and family commitments couldn't continue, would really like to take it up again. Have many 'ticks' still to get, must make more of an effort. Latest:- Greater Yellowlegs 2015.15/03/2016
=S Miles219Have seen more but not sure of dates so have kept dates will update more when i have time and can find dates and places. i moved here in 2007 from Kent so need to un mix where and when for species .29/06/2024
90R Abrahams21814/03/2017
91N Wall212 25/10/2019
92M Crutch211Birding since 2005, met some good folk since.03/05/2014
93J Morton210Started Birding in Autumn 2021. Birding Mainly around Langstone / Hayling / Farlington Marshes. I live between Havant and Emsworth.11/06/2024
94P M Warne20914/09/2014
95B Igglesden20830/01/2016
=S Read20827/04/2016
97T Stimpson207 12/09/2019
98P Warne205 10/12/2021
99H McMullan199Very keen but novice birder. Do have problems identifying many species, especially wader and water fowl. looking to broaden my experiences so joined RSPB, and going to get to more sites in Hampshire over the coming months. Also want to get back to my native Scotland, especially in the Highlands later this year.22/01/2023
100J E Read19711/04/2013
101A Wood196 14/05/2024
102V Wymbs190 16/06/2024
103H R Cornford188Came to live in Hampshire 40 years ago, and we had Tree Sparrows on the bird table and the first Collared Doves. Only started birding when we retired about 4 years ago, most of it inland and local.31/12/2012
=I D Paine18806/10/2014
105K Hinson186 17/02/2024
106C Bespolka18425/05/2013
107N Carpmael18212/02/2012
108L J Amey180Started birding whilst at junior school in the early 70's. Joined the Army in the early 80's and was away for 24yrs! Starting to get back into the swing of things! Only started recording sightings from 2013. Also started to bird in W. Sussex and Surrey.21/09/2016
109L Overy17813/04/2016
110M Clay175Don't year list just keep a record of what I have seen. Only taken a real interest since 2013-2014. Inland birding mainly in the Test Valley. Local highlights: Pied Flycatcher (2015), Great Bustard (2013), Dartford Warbler (2015) & Great Grey Shrike (2016)07/06/2016
=P J Honeysett175I am a 15 year old birdwatcher and I love wildlife. From a very young age I have always been obsessed with it. I only started birdwatching properly (at less than 10 years old) when my younger brother took interest in it. One bird that I have seen in Hampshire but cannot add, presumably because they are escapes, is a Ringed Teal at Titchfield Haven, which, despite its name, was clearly un-ringed! 04/07/2024
112R Skinner17212/12/2015
113S Mansfield171All on foot or by bicycle from Alton inland only - most north of A272 and south of M3 but odd exception. All in VC12. 2015: Gos, Merlin, Stone Curlew, Ringed Plover, Spotted Redshank. 2016: Great White Egret, Black Tern, Little Gull, Marsh Harrier. 2017: Cattle Egret, Grey Plover, Pied Fly. 2019:Common Scoter.2020:Avocet. 2021: PinkFoot Goose. 2022: Now moved to Dorset31/12/2022
114E Farmer170I have been birdwatching in Hampshire for about 14 years since I was 9, but have been living in Kent until recently so there's a lot of gaps in my list. New for 2014 so far: Long-tailed Duck, Lesser Yellowlegs. What I really want to add next: Tawny Owl (heard but never seen), Little Owl, Barn Owl, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Pied Flycatcher, Waxwing, Corn Bunting.27/05/2015
115J F Smith166Always been interested but drifted away till some friends encourage me about 15 years ago and then started to birdwatch regularly.Others have helped me find rarer birds like Pied Flycatcher,Ring Ouzel ,Great Grey Shrike and Hen Harrier so Thankyou to them.12/10/2022
116O T Cummins164I started birdwatching when I was nine and I thought it would be a good idea to count up my Hampshire total. Most recent: Franklin's Gull. RIP Cameron Bespolka. You will be missed.09/11/2014
117P W Driver160Berkshire birder. I see most day-to-day stuff on walks from my home in Mortimer. I occasionally visit Hants for birding trips to the coast, Forest etc, preferring to find my own birds rather than twitch (with a few exceptions!)17/12/2023
118L T Parkin158I started bird watching in 1974 aged 10 but did not start to keep records until 1996. I am a bird watcher I go out for walks look for birds and keep logs I don't go racing around the countryside looking for the next tick but you never say never it could go that way when I retire but at the moment it's just what I see whilst walking around good birding locations my best birding memories is being on holiday in the Mediterranean watching a flock of bee eaters on a hot evening catching insects about 6 foot over my head whilst I continued supping a cold beer who needs anything more my uk list is only 194 hope to get to 200 all birds seen did not uploaded a Turtle Dove only heard could not locate bad light.07/02/2017
119J Hewitt15613/05/2013
=P Villiers156I’ve always loved wildlife but I started to take a serious interest in birding in 2000 when I met my second wife who shares my love of wildlife and also country walks – especially when accompanied by binoculars and a camera. Although I only joined the group in Dec 20, my list includes all my sightings since 2000.28/11/2023
121S Griffiths155Since return to Hampshire at beginning of October 202028/11/2022
122I C Dummer15308/12/2014
123R Kernachan152 19/10/2019
124D Wilkinson14813/04/2017
125C S Nash14713/02/2018
126R Collins146 23/02/2020
127O A Winwood Bratchell145I started birding when i was ten, what inspired me to start birding was when i got a bird guide for my birthday, I then found out that a friend was into birding which made it easier to enjoy. I want to use this website to note down all the species that i have seen in hampshire so i know what birds that i have not seen yet. I also want to use this website to find out what species have been seen and where in hampshire they have been seen.19/01/2014
128N Allen144Started bird watching mid February 2016 after buying a bird guide and binoculars to ID a Little Grebe. To aid accuracy, I have only counted the birds I've spotted since then.10/01/2017
129D Udy143 16/01/2019
130J Scorey142 23/02/2019
131D Durell137 20/06/2021
=D J Eaton137 21/05/2023
133L Edwards13219/10/2012
=W Bennett132 27/02/2024
135R Beare128 23/06/2024
136S Bramley125 04/09/2021
=K P Duncan125 20/04/2024
138D Eaton114 07/06/2020
=D Jones114 22/04/2023
140D Conway8525/11/2012
=D E Reynolds85I'm New to this site as I felt I wanted to record the birds I have seen. I started many years ago so my total takes this into account, whether that's ok to do or not I'm not too sure but I guess someone will soon let me know if not! Hopefully as time goes on I will be able to increase my sightings of the more elusive birds, along with the waders and wetland birds, as I know I have seen plenty recently but never really studied them to record.05/06/2013
142F Hutchinson47 20/01/2019
143P T Scourfield41 21/02/2021
144J F K Porter23 29/06/2018
145M Constable22 29/11/2020
146J W Jackson4 24/04/2024
147A Peach209/11/2012
=A Sutton2Keen wildlife photographer for years mainly shooting Mammals and Raptors. Becoming increasingly interested in the smaller feathered by friends as years pass.14/10/2018
149B Mcdowell120/03/2012
=Y Glasspool1I am very new to Bird watching and photography. I am only just starting to get out and about. I tried to go to Fishlake Meadows yesterday however could not find an entrance to the lake. Please if anybody knows how email me on yazglasspool@gmail.com. Also I would love any advice and comments on any sites you think would be good for a beginner photographer. I am a member of the RSPB and also the Hawk Conservancy in Andover.11/07/2016
=B Stalker1 27/06/2018
=M Cutts1I have been in the county since joining the RN in 1987, my first decent birds were the Walpole Park Iceland Gull, the Hardway Glaucous and the Lee slipway Med Gull (rare in those days). My list should be far higher but the RN have made me miss a lot of visiting rarities. Still have a few "easy" ones to get, 260 reached, Latest editions - 2019 Dotterel14/04/2019
=P Dore1 26/05/2019
=D Houghton1 14/07/2019
=J H Lewis1I have photographs of this bird. Obviously a young one and regularly mobbed by smaller birds.01/08/2019
=I Williamson1 27/03/2024