Hampshire self-found listing

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1A Johnson257Latest additions: rosefinch 29/5/22, glossy ibis 20/9/20, rosy starling 30/5/20, white stork 23/4/20, Pec sand Farlington 21/8/17, ELEGANT TERN 7/6/17, GGS Oct 2016, GWE Oct 2015 all at Sandy Point. 249 on Hayling. Main rule is: Must have no prior knowledge of the individual/s, and the key word is 'found' (not 'been shown' or 'identified a bird someone else found'...)30/05/2022
2N Jones253Following Punkbirder rules for self-founds. New for 2024: Hoopoe12/05/2024
3G Stephenson249LB Dowitcher & Great Reed Wblr included based on AJ's rule definition, i.e. not the first finder but had no clue they were there when I stumbled across them (initial finders were Pete Potts et al & Tim Doran respectively). Otherwise a challenge to be sure in all instances, when not alone on the find, who first saw it and who first put a name to it. Then again, does it matter.....?12/08/2020
4P F Fawkes247An interesting and challenging exercise, which may require some re-visiting! Most records from Dibden Bay and Calshot/Fawley in the seventies and early eighties, with a few more recently from Lepe (and Normandy Marsh!). Was present (or thereabouts - i.e. et al.) but cannot claim to have found the Corncrake at Ashlett in 1973, or one of the Wilson Ps, the Tawny Pipit and the American Wigeon at Dibden Bay in the seventies. Was it my dear friend, the late Dr. Witherick, or was it me, who first called Short-toed Lark at Calshot? Frankly, neither of us could remember; not even the bird! 21/12/2023
5S Keen239 16/05/2022
6J M Clark237Provisional list. Need to check my notes for some old records as my memory failing me. Will add details later.04/12/2021
7S Ingram236Anything I see at Lakeside is self-found because nobody else goes there:-) That sorts out Dartford, Woodlark, Nightingale, Crossbill, Turtle Dove, Wood Warbler and a few other scarce breeders! Corn Buntings were fairly common when I were a lad and could be seen at Titchfield Haven and there will be a few like that: Willow Tit, Gropper and Tree Sparrow all found easily as a boy around my Gran's farm near Romsey. Twite were fairly easy along the coast late 70's. I am now comfortable with my total and now know what I have to look for:) 13/10/2020
8R Wynn230Highlights include a couple of county firsts (Stilt Sandpiper and Rustic Bunting) and most of the regular seabirds, but would love to get a Fea's Petrel in Hampshire! Only HOSRP/BBRC accepted records included, and have erred on the side of caution regarding self-found.....03/01/2016
9A Lewis228Ring-billed Gull - Ibsley Jan 2nd 2021; Lesser Scaup - First for Hampshire, October 2017; Some of those scarce breeders need a review and consistency. Have added a few breeders after discussion with AJ06/03/2021
10M Ward227Thought I would throw my hat in the ring, a few glaring omissions. Spending more time in the NF than the marsh these days so wont be adding much to the list. All records accepted by HOSRP/BBRC.16/11/2018
11S P Piggott225 23/08/2021
12W Borras215Judging by the emails a definition of 'found' as applied to a birder is being achieved! Good stuff.22/02/2015
=J G Ross215An avid patch watcher so good chance of ' self found '25/05/2023
14R Ford209Self found is certainly the way my birding is going. Thanks to ACJ for putting in the effort to keep us playing by the same rules. Best finds: 2020 lockdown Patch Black Kite, 2x Crane, GW Teal, 2x Glauc, G Phal, RN Phal, Cattle Egret ( when they were less easy), Spotted Crake.14/10/2021
15A 22062020 Lockdown gave me plenty of time to work it out just for fun. Latest: Goldeneye 04/01/202104/01/2021
16S Mansfield205Continuing obsession with cycling around the Alton area is making this list rather more of a challenge - but added Goshawk in 2015. 2017: Pied Fly at last. 2020: Great White Egret25/07/2021
17L M Fuller19513/04/2015
18P S Scorey188 27/03/2023
19T J Saunders185 18/10/2018
20N R Smart179 02/04/2023
21C D Roseveare176 09/02/2024
22L J Amey15704/11/2016
23C S Nash14313/01/2018
24M Constable43 18/04/2021
25K J Beauchamp1Flying above as i was driving.22/01/2023
=A Friend1 02/06/2024
2023Nigel Jones171
2022Nigel Jones184
2021Nigel Jones174
2020Steve Mansfield129
2016Steve Mansfield129
2015Nigel Jones156