Work in progress 2024

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 |

Category 1

2024Red-breasted Goose, Keyhaven, 1 (Adult), 7th-18th February, Adult of unknown origin with Dark-bellied Brents. NDR
2024Red-breasted Goose, Fleet Pond, 1 (Adult), 1st June.Photo
2024Ferruginous Duck, Oxey Creek, 1 (Adult male), 19th January, off Oxey Marsh with Tufted Ducks at 14.50. Flew off towards Normandy at 15:00. Photo
2024Ferruginous Duck, Posbrook Floods, 1 (Adult male), 20th-21st January, With Tufted Duck likely to be same bird as at Oxey the previous day. Photo
2024Marsh Sandpiper, Normandy Marsh/Lagoon, 1 (Adult), 16th-21st April.Photo
2024Short-toed Eagle, Hayling Island, Sandy Point outside NR, 1 (Adult), 4th May.NDR
2024Iberian Chiffchaff, Hale Purlieu, 1 (Adult male), 27th May, Singing male in Hale Purlieu car park from Birdguides. NDR
2024Collared Flycatcher, Castle Bottom, 1 (Adult male), 10th April, 10am m. flew close in front of my car and into woods showing in flight field marks perfectly (but briefly) I searched the woods briefly but could not relocate very prominant wing patches very narrow white tail sides (single feather only) palish white rump black and white patterned head. SU790598. AR
2024Common Yellowthroat, Southampton Western Docks, 1 (Female), 30th May, One disembarked from RMS Queen Mary 2 - ship departed New York on 23rd May. Not seen since? NDR
2024Yellow-rumped Warbler, Southampton Western Docks, 1 (unknown), 30th May, Myrtle Warbler. Disembarked RMS Queen Mary 2 inbound from New York (left 23rd May). See Yellowthroat. NDR

Category 2

2024Whooper Swan, Avon Flood, Keyhaven, 1 (2CY), 10th April. (Chris Barass)OK
2024Green-winged Teal, Avon Tyrrell, 1 (Adult male), 6th-7th January. (Olly Frampton)OK
2024Green-winged Teal, Needs Ore, 1 (Adult male), 11th January, in front of De L'Orne hide. (Chris Button)OK
2024Ring-necked Duck, Blashford Lakes - Linbrook East Lake, 1 (Adult male), 1st-4th January, Continuing bird from 2023. (Tim Doran)OK
2024Alpine Swift, Hayling Island (South), 1 (Adult), 7th April, Adult at Mill Rythe Creek, later seen near Southbourne (West Sussex) heading NW. (Steve Chalmers)OK
2024Red-necked Grebe, Needs Ore, 1, 3rd-10th March.NDR
2024Red-necked Grebe, Butts Bay, Pennington, 1 (unknown), 16th-21st March.NDR
2024Black-winged Stilt, Hook Links, 1 (Adult), 27th April, On links pool with avocet. (Bob Marchant)OK
2024Temminck's Stint, Cut Bridge (Milford-on-Sea), 1 (Adult), 15th May, flew along beach before heading over spit into marshes. NDR
2024Red-necked Phalarope, Farlington Marshes, 1 (Adult -female), 16th-17th June, On the deeps. IC
2024Caspian Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (2 CY), 14th January. (Alan Lewis)OK
2024Caspian Gull, Farlington Marshes, 1 (2CY), 9th March. (Jason Crook)OK
2024Caspian Gull, Hayling Island, The Kench, 1 (Immature - not aged), 9th March.NDR
2024Caspian Gull, Farlington Marshes, 1 (Immature - not aged), 10th March, Same as 09/03 bird? NDR
2024Caspian Gull, Keyhaven Lagoon, 1 (2CY), 25th May, Briefly on Keyhaven Lagoon. Chased into Solent by BHG flock. NDR
2024White-winged Black Tern, Pennington Marsh, 1 (Adult), 11th May, Adult - first seen at Pennington at 8:10 before heading east. Seen at Lepe and then Hayling Island before being seen at Selsey Bill later. (Simon Colenutt)OK
2024Puffin, Lepe, 1 (Adult), 8th February, Tideline corpse. OK
2024Puffin, Hurst Beach, 1 (Adult), 8th February, Tideline Corpse. (Simon Boswell)OK
2024Leach's Petrel, Jetty Lagoon, Pennington, 1 (Adult), 3rd January.NDR
2024Purple Heron, Winchester Sewage Farm, 2 (Adult), 13th April, Roosting next to each other amongst flooded reeds and rushes on south east side of lake. Found at sunset and remained until I left, mostly hunkered down but occasionally looking to sky as if ready to depart. (Tom Jordan-Maynard)OK
2024Purple Heron, Lower Test Marshes, 1, 26th April, prob.2cy. Brown-looking. Seen briefly in flight, in very poor light, at 07.10 & 08.30. (Steven Clemons)OK
2024Purple Heron, Titchfield Haven, 1 (2CY probably), 8th May, Seen by other observers. (Amy Robjohns)OK
2024Montagu's Harrier, Pig Bush, NF, 1 (Adult male), 23rd April, male quartering and then headed north-east. NDR
2024Montagu's Harrier, Pig Bush, NF, 1 (Adult female), 20th May, Probable seen flying low towards Shatteford. NDR
2024Montagu's Harrier, Martin Down, 1 (Adult female), 16th June, female Montagu's Harrier, hunting, at around 9.15 am. IC
2024Black Kite, Ibsley Common, 2 (Adult), 4th May, 2 black kites soaring over Ibsley common. NDR
2024Hoopoe, Lakeside (Eastleigh), 1 (Adult), 9th April. (unknown)OK
2024Hoopoe, Park Prewett Hospital (Basingstoke), 1 (Adult), 12th April, Actually in Rooksdown, Basingstoke. (Jack Strong)OK
2024Hoopoe, Romsey, 1 (Adult), 12th May.NDR
2024Bee-eater, Acres Down, NF, 2 (Adult), 9th May, Flew NE over watchpoint. NDR
2024Red-backed Shrike, Baddesley Common, 1 (Adult female), 27th May.Photo
2024Woodchat Shrike, New Milton, Adult, 9th May, At Cutway SZ245939 at 18.15. IC
2024Golden Oriole, Exbury, 1, 5th May, Heard Twice. NDR
2024Golden Oriole, Needs Ore, 1 (Adult Male), 23rd May, Singing male Golden Oriole briefly at Needs Ore this morning, initially at 5.40am at Shore Hide, moved eastwards along Warren Lane. Last heard near Coastguard Cottages at 6.05am. IC
2024Magpie, Rockbourne, 1 (Adult), 26th June.IC
2024Marsh Warbler, Fishlake Meadows, 1 (Adult), 24th April, In bushes near the gate on the path to the screens,singing,an amazing varied song. NDR
2024Rose-coloured Starling, Pennington Village, 1 (Adult), 1st June, One in a private garden for 2 hrs Now appears to be an escapee - single blue ring showing in photos. (Ria Hayter)OK-E
2024Dipper, Romsey, 1 (Adult), 25th-30th March, On Test & tributaries including Fishlake meadows Multiple observers. NDR
2024Tree Sparrow, Farnborough, 1 (Adult), 5th May, Only one observed, black cheeks, call identified by Merlin. NDR
2024Common Redpoll, Longmoor Inclosure, 1 (unknown), 3rd March.NDR
2024Serin, Rooksbury Mill (Andover), 4th March, per Birdguides 09:56. NDR
2024Serin, Funtley, 1 (Adult), 28th June.IC

Category 3

2024Cuckoo, Emer Bog (North Baddesley), 1 (Adult female), 10th March, Hepatic female Multi-observer. IC
2024Curlew Sandpiper, Pennington Marsh, 1, 29th March, Via eBird. NDR
2024Common Tern, Pennington Marsh, 1 (Adult), 28th January, Appears to be in full Summer Plumage. (Colin Wright)OK
2024Great Grey Shrike, Bransbury Common, 1 (Adult), 31st March to 10th April.NDR
2024Waxwing, Brambridge, 1 (Adult), 3rd May, Picked up the quiff and large stature without bins. Then through bins I could see the brown colours. It then flew and I saw the yellow wing tips. IC
2024House Martin, Titchfield Haven, 1 (Adult), 26th February.NDR