Work in progress 2023

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Category 1

Hudsonian Whimbrel, Cut Bridge (Milford on Sea), 1 (adult), 9th April, Not noticed at the time. Migrating bird flyby with Curlews retrospectively noted from photos. NP
Long-billed Dowitcher, Fishtail Lagoon, Keyhaven Marsh, 1 (Adult), 6th-10th May, Summer plumaged bird. (Pete Durnell)OK
Gull-billed Tern, Inchmery, 1 (Adult), 14th June, Flying east. (Chris Button)OK
Forster's Tern, Hill Head, 1 (1w), 30th May.IC
Black Stork, Brockenhurst, 1 (Adult), 22nd-28th August, Various site from Brockenhurst to Lyndhurst - ranging widely and last seen over Keyhaven on 28th. IC
Pallid Harrier, Martin Down, 1 (Juvenile), 18th-22nd September, Identified after the event from Photos. IC
Iberian Chiffchaff, Fishlake Meadows, 1 (Adult), 15th May.NDR
Aquatic Warbler, Needs Ore, 1 (Adult), 14th August, Seen & Photographed from De Lorne Hide. NP

Category 2

Black Brant, Farlington Marshes, 1 (Adult), 1st January to 11th March. (?)OK
Black Brant, Hurst Castle, 1 (unknown), 24th January, Record via Birdtrack - source Birdguides. NDR
Pink-footed Goose, Tundry Pond, 1 (Adult), 26th July to 29th August, Often roosted at Fleet Pond. Invariably with Graylags. Assumed to be last years bird returning. (John Clark)OK
Bewick's Swan, Woolmer Pond, 1st February, No information. NDR
Bewick's Swan, Dunbridge, 3 (2 adults plus 1 yg), 7th February, Whooper not eliminated. NP
Bewick's Swan, Heath Pond (Petersfield), 1 (unknown), 21st April, via Birdtrack. NDR
Ring-necked Duck, Wellington Country Park, 1 (Female), 31st January, Assumed to be the same as in Berks border area in 2022. (John Clark)OK
Ring-necked Duck, Bramshill Park Lake, 1 (Female), 20th February. (John Clark)OK
Ring-necked Duck, Wellington Country Park, 1 (Female), 12th-14th March, Many observers. (John Clark)OK
Ring-necked Duck, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (Male), 8th April. (unknown)OK
Ring-necked Duck, Blashford Lakes - Linbrook East Lake, 1 (Adult male), 17th-31st December. (Tim Doran)OK
Surf Scoter, Pennington Marsh, 1 (Female), 18th-21st March, off Jetty lagoon Pennington at first, drifted towards Oxey Marsh. (Simon Boswell)OK
Surf Scoter, Pennington Marsh, 1 (Female), 26th-28th September, Probably returning bird from March. (unknown)OK
Alpine Swift, Portsmouth, 1 (adult), 22nd March, Over Quartermaine Road. NP
Alpine Swift, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (adult), 24th March, Flew fast west over Tern Hide towards NF. First site record! (Simon Woolley)OK
Alpine Swift, Posbrook, 1 (Adult), 3rd-4th April. (Emma Parkes)OK
Alpine Swift, Royal Victoria CP, Netley, 1 (Adult), 6th April.NDR
Corncrake, Titchfield Haven, 1 (assumed male), 29th May, Calling only. NP
Corncrake, Old Winchester Hill, 7th September, Heard & seen briefly. NP
Spotted Crake, Mill Field LNR, Old Basing, 1 (Juv), 30th July. (JK Andrews)OK
Black-winged Stilt, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (adult), 16th-17th April. (unknown)OK
Black-winged Stilt, Fishtail Lagoon, Keyhaven Marsh, 2 (Adults - M & F), 21st April. (Pete Durnell)OK
Temminck's Stint, Ripley Farm Reservoir, 3 (Adult), 14th May. (Olly Frampton)OK
Temminck's Stint, Fishtail Lagoon, Keyhaven Marsh, 2 (Adult), 17th-31st May, 1 on 17th initially at 06.50. 2 reported at 19.10. (unknown)OK
Temminck's Stint, Farlington Marshes, 2 (Adult), 20th May, On main lake. (Andy Friend)OK
Temminck's Stint, Needs Ore, 1 (Adult), 23rd May. (Chris Button)OK
Temminck's Stint, Farlington Marshes, 1 (Juvenile), 25th August, Preening and feeding on the pool along the cross ditch (looking from the east seawall blockhouse. (Jason Crook)OK
Pectoral Sandpiper, Pennington Marsh, 1 (unknown), 13th July. (Bob Chapman)OK
Red-necked Phalarope, Keyhaven Lagoon, 1 (Juvenile), 22nd-26th September. (Steve Laycock)OK
Sabine's Gull, South Moor, Langstone Harbour, 1 (ad sum plum), 8th January to 9th February. (J Harrington)OK
Sabine's Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (Juvenile), 20th September, Juv obviously brought in on the storm seen flying up and down n/w corner of lake picking from surface watched for 45 min with 9 other birders but not one of us with a camera then went high over trees and headed north. . (Gary Fennemore)OK
Sabine's Gull, Hill Head, 1 (Juvenile), 10th October. (Mark Francis)OK
Ring-billed Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (ad), 7th January to 10th February. (Alan Lewis)OK
Glaucous Gull, Sturt Pond, Milford on Sea, 1 (2nd Winter), 1st-1st March, Seen with a group. (Graham Giddens)OK
Iceland Gull, Hook-with-Warsash, 1 (1st/2nd Winter), 11th January, Considered to be the same as the long staying Redbridge bird. (Richard Levett/Tracey Viney)OK
Iceland Gull, Redbridge Wharf, 1 (First winter (2CY)), 4th February to 4th April. (Paul Winter)OK
Kumlien's Gull, Stokes Bay, 1 (Adult), 14th April. (Mark Edgeller)OK
Caspian Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (4th winter), 13th January. (David Taylor)OK
Caspian Gull, Budds Farm Sewage Farm, 1 (unknown), 13th January.NP
Caspian Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (4 CY), 5th February.NP
Caspian Gull, Farlington Marshes, 2 (unknown), 3rd March, Via Birdtrack - rare bird form. NP
Caspian Gull, Redbridge Wharf, 1 (First winter (2CY)), 16th March, Not photographed. NP
Caspian Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (2nd Winter (3CY)), 17th March. (Matthew Barfield)OK
Caspian Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (1st Winter (2CY)), 5th April, Coming to Roost. NP
Caspian Gull, Keyhaven Marsh, 1 (Juvenile), 3rd September, In Butts Bay. (Alan Lewis)OK
Caspian Gull, Pennington Marsh, 1 (1W), 1st October, Per Going Birding. NP
Caspian Gull, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (1 CY), 19th November, 1cy. Photos on Twitter: (Alan Lewis)OK
Puffin, Park Shore, 1 (Adult), 22nd January, Tideline Corpse. (Dave Unsworth)OK
Storm Petrel, Hill Head, 1 (adult), 29th July, Seen Moving steadily west just inches above the waves around 700m out from cliff road where me and Chris Rose watched it until we lost it through the waves. @09.55. (Mark Francis)OK
Storm Petrel, Lepe, Stansore Point/Pools, 1 (unknown), 20th September, initially heading W c300m out but spooked by B-h Gull and then headed SSE toward Ryde.. Time: 09:50. (Bob Chapman)OK
Storm Petrel, Hill Head, 1 (unknown), 24th September, Flew mid solent just above the waves; watched 20 seconds before disappearing from site. Time: 09:41. (Thomas Stone)OK
Storm Petrel, Hill Head, 1 (unknown), 4th November, Flying W 15.11. (Alan Butler)OK
Sooty Shearwater, Lee-on-the-Solent, 1 (Adult), 24th September. (Amy Robjohns)OK
Balearic Shearwater, Hayling Island, East Winner Bank, 125, 29th August, 07:20, single flock of at least this number initially heading east at range, but then the flock turned and came in reasonably close in a line with Chi Hbr entrance before turning back and heading SE. (Tim Doran)OK
Balearic Shearwater, Lepe, 1 (unknown), 23rd September, East mid channel. Presuming same bird seen passing Ryde identified as Balearic but binocular views at the time by myself would leave at Shearwater sp.. Time: 07:36. NP
Night-heron, Stockbridge Marsh, 1 (Adult), 19th-22nd April. (Steve Yeo)OK
Night-heron, Normandy Marsh/Lagoon, 1, 20th May. (Pete Durnell)OK
Night-heron, Fishlake Meadows, 1 (Adult), 7th June. (David Thelwell)OK
Night-heron, Fishlake Meadows, 1 (Adult), 31st July to 23rd August, Continuing bird in Test Valley. (David Thelwell)OK
Purple Heron, Testwood Lakes, 1 (adult), 18th February, Sitting on a nesting raft - phone photo taken. NP
Purple Heron, Leigh Park, 1 (Adult), 3rd April, Flyover. NP
Purple Heron, Hawkhill Inclosure, 2 (unknown), 24th May.NDR
Montagu's Harrier, Deadman Hill, NF, 1 (Adult female), 18th May, With increase in spring Pallid and Hybrid Pallid/Hen harriers records in the UK, records need to be submitted with sufficient detail to confirm. Agreed as 'slim harrier species' but not clear which of the three it could be. NP
Black Kite, East End, Sowley, 1 (unknown), 22nd February.DR
Black Kite, Holmsley Inclosure, 1 (unknown), 20th May.NDR
Black Kite, Milkham Inclosure, 1 (unknown), 19th July.NP
Black Kite, Ower, 1 (unknown), 23rd September.NDR
Rough-legged Buzzard, Trigpoint Hill, Timsbury, 1 (tbc), 25th March, NW. Time: 10:00. NP
Rough-legged Buzzard, Cranesmoor, 1 (unknown), 21st May, Possible; not definite. Very clear White rump / top of tail. Black spread wing tips. Pale underneath with black markings near carpal joints. NP
Hoopoe, Bullington, 1 (Adult), 30th March to 3rd July, Wandering in upper Test Valley. (unknown)OK
Hoopoe, Bisterne, 1 (Adult), 17th April.Photo
Hoopoe, Workman's Lane, 1 (Adult), 2nd May, Fed for 5 minutes then flew to NW. (Lyn Wheeldon/Clare Harrison)OK
Hoopoe, Alton, 1 (Adult), 13th May. (Carol Palmer)OK
Red-backed Shrike, Testwood Lakes, 1 (Immature), 2nd-3rd October, Found by HIWWT staff on evening of 2nd, nor present the following day. (Les Stride)OK
Hooded Crow, Bramley, 1 (Adult), 5th May.NP
Hooded Crow, Stokes Bay, 1 (Adult), 6th-9th May. (Jeremy Bennett)OK
Shore Lark, Hurst Beach, 1 (Adult), 21st January to 18th February. (Alex Hyams/Simon Miles)OK
Yellow-browed Warbler, Chilling, 1, 14th October, Ringed bird. (Pete Potts)OK
Yellow-browed Warbler, Lane End Down, 1, 23rd October. (Techer Jones)OK
Yellow-browed Warbler, Southampton, Thornhill Park Road, 1, 13th November, Details . (David A Christie)OK
Melodious Warbler, Bedhampton, 1 (unknown), 23rd August, in private garden. NP
Barred Warbler, Hayling Island, Sinah Common, 1 (Juvenile), 30th September, Trapped and ringed. (Trevor Codlin)OK
Tree Sparrow, Chilling, 1 (Adult), 1st-16th January, Continuing bird from 2022, around Barn area. OK
Tree Sparrow, Moorcourt Farm, 1 (adult), 28th August, Photographed Bird was ringed Looked for, but not seen on 29/08/2023. (Steven Clemons)OK
Tree Sparrow, Woolmer Pond Cottage, 3 (unknown), 4th November, Heard calling, a brief sighting, then they flew away. NP
Citrine Wagtail, Farlington Marshes, 1 (Juvenile), 15th September.NP
Twite, Fishtail Lagoon, Keyhaven Marsh, 15 (adults), 17th January, There was a small flock of about 15 birds feeding in short vegetation. we had a very clear view of several birds and were able to spend about 10 minutes checking against the ID book. NP

Category 3

Swift, Testwood Lakes, 1 (unknown), 24th March, 2 swift sp, picked up when c 1km east of the sand martin hide and flying east quickly. . NP
Crane, Woodgreen, 4 (unknown), 23rd April, 4 common cranes flying and calling past Woodgreen heading south 07.05. One returning north 07.10. SU171180. NDR
Common Tern, Tipner Lake, Portsmouth Harbour, 2 (Adult), 10th November, EBird 2 adults in winter plumage feeding over water. (Martin Rann)OK
Black Tern, Farlington Marshes, 1 (unknown), 28th October, hawking insects over the NE seawall and adjacent harbour before the showers hit. (Peter Gammage)OK
Arctic Skua, Fishlake Meadows, 1, 5th November. (Stephen Robbie)OK
Hobby, Pipers Wait, NF, 1 (Adult), 2nd April, Early arrival. (Ian Guest)OK
Sand Martin, Blashford Lakes - Ibsley Water, 1 (not known), 26th November, I was at Blashford Lakes on Sunday afternoon. Although a dismal day, a single Sand Martin was still flying around the Ibsley Water Lake viewed from the Tern Hide brown on top with no white rump so not House Martin. Distance was around 20 metres and I was looking through binoculars. (Simon Dicks)OK
Grasshopper Warbler, Gorley Common, 1, 2nd April, heard but not seen to confirm, will try investigate over next few days to confirm if still present. SU163118. NP
Ring Ouzel, Mill Field LNR, Old Basing, 1 (unknown), 11th December, Vocal on upper track. Influx of Blackbirds noted. (Jim Andrews)OK
Spotted Flycatcher, Warblington, 1 (unknown), 31st October to 6th November, SSSI field hedge flycatching. Found in same location 7 days later. (Peter Milinets-Raby)OK
Nightingale, Hyde Common, NF, 1, 1st April.NP
Brambling, Needs Ore, 1 (unknown), 15th-21st September, from Need Ore Log. (Chris Button)OK
Snow Bunting, Hythe, Shore Road, 1 (unknown), 28th February. (Bob Chapman)OK
Snow Bunting, Portchester, 1 (adult), 2nd April. (Mica Peet)OK