2010 Hampshire county year listing

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1A Johnson225Latest: pink-footed goose, mealy redpoll, guillemot, white-tailed eagle, waxwing, leo & water pipit in Dec; sooty shear & grey phal in Nov.30/12/2010
2D Hoare224A fantastic year with many highlights including Short-toed Lark, Wryneck, Hoopoe and Glossy Ibis, and a much better seawatching year with Pom Skua, Manx & Balearic Shearwaters. Well done Andy!31/12/2010
3A Lewis220Latest Mealy Redpoll Castle Bottom NNR 12/12; A few minor self-founds; Montie's Harrier, Caspian Gull (Keyhaven), Iceland Gull (Ibsley);12/12/2010
=N J Montegriffo220Added Jack Snipe, Red-necked Grebe, Waxwing and Mealy Redpoll recently. Missed Quail, Spoonbill and Black Tern.13/12/2010
5S P Piggott219Best birds - Richard's Pipit self found, Red-flanked Bluetail, Short-toed Lark, Isabelline Shrike. Worst dip - Glossy Ibis 4 times & Rc Starling twice.02/01/2011
6N Jones217Best birds: Red-flanked Bluetail, Isabelline Shrike, Short-toed Lark, Bluethroat and Marsh Warbler10/01/2011
7K Pearce212Pleased to see over 200 Hampshire birds in a year.23/12/2010
8M Halligan208Best Birds:Issy Shrike, RFB, Sooty Shearwater, PF & Bean Geese. Worst Dips:ST Lark due to holiday, Wryneck many times.03/01/2011
9S Mansfield199Excluding Ruddy Shelduck and Red-breasted Goose. Best birds - Dotterel, Whimbrel and Bar-tailed Godwit all self-found in the Candover Valley on TTV. 02/01/2011
10R Ford196Best birds this year: Red-flanked Bluetail and Short-toed Lark.20/10/2011
11B Stalker191Final total06/01/2011
12J Stockwell19010 Short of my target... 136 of the total seen in SU3429/12/2010
13M Ward186Normandy/Oxey patch yearlist. Highlights: Bittern, Pink-footed Goose, Tree Sparrow, Short-toed Lark, Glossy Ibis, Great White Egret, Wryneck, Hawfinch & Waxwing. Latest Lesser Spotted Woodpecker28/12/2010
14A D Tindale179Final count for the year. Not bad considering the amount of time I have been out of county. Many thanks to the finders of the publicised Hampshire rarities. My New Year resolution is to find my own next year!31/12/2010
15P Matthews178A new best ever year total for me,but still looking for little owl,golden plover,black redstart,bearded tit.26/12/2010
16L T Parkin129/01/2017