2013 Hampshire county year listing

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1W Borras223I don't count heards. Revised total 227. I owe Olly Frampton at least one beer for laying on Tawny Owl. Half a bottle of Famous Grouse is available for Long-eared Owl! Failed to scope Snow Bunting in Sussex from Black Point today. Thanks for trying Andy. Looking forward to starting again on 2/1/1402/12/2013
=A Lewis223Happy Christmas! - I'm abroad over Christmas, so that's the end of any year list nonsense for me. Next year dedicated to trying to find some (a??) good birds - but then handicapping myself by being abroad at the best times! :)17/12/2013
=P F Fawkes223A last ditch effort to the Faccombe area for Willow Tit proved fruitless. What, I now ask myself, was I doing the other 363 days of the year! Did actually hear song and call in two localities, but could not put a face to either; whilst Marsh Tits, of which there were many, positively posed for the camera! So, it ends in a three way tie with nothing played across the line. Occasional bouts of lethargy and arrogance (I was sure I would find a Yellow-browed at Lepe!) combined to deprive me of one or two bread and butter species, but the exercise took me to places I never knew existed, to look at birds the appearance of which I had all but forgotten! Whilst I am tempted to have another go, my wife has expressed other ideas, and, believe me, I see little point in requesting a referral; back to Lepe, cricket and politics for me! Good luck to those who try from tomorrow onwards, and thanks, Messrs Borris, Lewis, Johnson et al., for all the camaraderie. 31/12/2013
4A Johnson218Snow bunting and white-front in December.11/12/2013
5A R Howe216Not yearlisting.14/12/2013
6D J Ryves208Final total;- Too much time spent overseas to match previous best (never going to challenge the leaders) New Hants birds this year;Brown Shrike; Pallas's; Roller:02/01/2014
7R L Lee200New to year listing. As with many of the others I only count seen, not heard22/12/2013
8G D Fennemore195Latest Goshawk but finding time to go out hard to come by and G G Shrike is killing me16/11/2013
9L M Fuller19007/08/2013
10R Ford18130/08/2013
=J Stockwell18114/10/2013
12D Robertson178Not year listing, just county birds this year. Will try to reach 200.24/11/2013
13M G Painter17611/12/2013
14P Matthews17131/12/2013
15R Sawyer170Missed lots of easy ones, and even missed the STE which would have been a lifer, still got to see lots of goodies too28/12/2014
16M Halligan165Total from just 2 days birding this year. Must get out more :)06/05/2013
17T Lawman158On track to certainly see more than last year!Latest - Pallas's warbler, WFG, Sand Martin , Wheatear and Sandwich tern after amazingly not seeing one around Hayling in the last couple of months .Nice to get out and about again,but actually not seriously year listing and will easily be beaten by many I'm sure. Good luck to the majority of you.05/04/2013
=C J Thorpe15804/01/2014
19N J Montegriffo15716/11/2013
20C Bespolka15629/05/2013
21P S Scorey14519/12/2013
22M Clay140Mostly local trips around Longparish and the odd lunchtime trek around Anton Lakes or Rooksbury Mill.18/11/2013
=B Stalker140Mostly local stuff again - can't be bothered to travel to the coast etc. every weekend... but couldn't resist the Roller, the Radde's or the cracking Semipalmated Plover. Latest and last: Brambling 30th Dec. 125 in Basingstoke & Deane district30/12/2013
24S Mansfield126Another bash at walk/bike from Alton so inland only. 64 including GBB Gull on nyday. Highlights White-Front, Water Pipit, Wood Sandpiper, Oystercatcher, spring Whinchat, 17 Meds at Alresford. Most spectacular bird would have been a stunning leucistic swallow - were it not for the Roller, which I helped relocate having been nearby when the news broke (thanks Jim). Lowlights - no Turtle Dove for second year in a row, and no Lesser Whitethroat either which are more hit-and-miss around here. Firecrest much scarcer than last year and spot fly also difficult. All came to a horrible stop in Autumn and late winter despite plenty of time in the field.04/01/2014
25J Dedman5009/04/2013
=J M Saggers5027/04/2013
27P M Warne319/06/2013