2015 Hampshire county year listing

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1D J Ryves222Highlights; Tawny Pipit; BE Wheatear; Gr legs; Surf Scoter;(All Hants Ticks). Could only equal last years PB in the end and although only a very modest total but as Simon says there very few additional available. Only rarity missed was OB Pipit; Quail & Ruddy Duck eluded me despite searching only other birds I'm aware of were only seen by a few lucky birders and not generally available. Many thanks to all those who released news promptly especially those who helped and encouraged me personally with texts, calls or information.31/12/2015
2A R Howe214Highlights; Greater Yellowlegs, Surf Scoter, Bonaparte's Gull, Eastern Black-eared Wheatear, White-rumped Sandpiper, & Olive-backed Pipit. Good year for County Ticks - not so great for year listing.29/11/2015
3J R Waterman208My aim was 200 Enjoyed seeing parts of Hampshire, I have never seen in my life before. Then the Birds Lifers Greater Yellowlegs, Black Eared Wheatear, Tawny Pipit, Siberian Stonechat, Bonaparte's Gull Hampshire Lifers Surf Scoter, Fulmar(shame on me) Hoopoe, Penduline Tit, Great Year, Looking forward to 2016 Merry Xmas to all Hants Birders22/12/2015
4G D Fennemore205First year I've kept count so not to bad hope to get over two hundred next year05/02/2016
5A Lewis204PHOTOGRAPHIC - latest - Penduline Tit on 11th Dec, Caspian Gull on 6th Dec; 3 other spp including poor Sparrowhawk not yet uploaded; Without leaving the county on various foreign and UK trips, I think I could have got to 220 photographed. In the end the only species seen with no identifiable image was Iceland Gull at Milford. That's it for me this year - Happy Christmas all.20/12/2015
6S Ingram201Highlights: Ferruginous Duck; Greater Yellowlegs; Surf Scoter; Bonaparte's Gull, Long-billed Dowitcher, R-b Shrike, RN Duck, YBW. Some embarrassing missing species but glad to make it 200 at last...Must try harder next year!! 2015 seems a funny year with it seems a lot of good birds... but tallying up what has been recorded (or what I know of), it seems that only just over 230 species have been seen, with only 225-228 being what I would call twitchable to someone with my (previous 2009) mentallity :-) PB=241 in 2009 30/12/2015
=W Borras20131/12/2015
8P F Fawkes19912/12/2015
9M G Painter19531/12/2015
10K Pearce19410/12/2015
11N J Montegriffo193Highlights: Greater Yellowlegs, Surf Scoter, Bonaparte's Gull, Red-necked Phalarope, (Eastern) Black-eared Wheatear, Penduline Tit17/12/2015
12A Davidson192Never thought I'd get a second shot at the G Yellowlegs after missing it earlier in the year. Bonaparte's Gull on second attempt and a tour of the highlights of Southampton. 28/12/2015
13N Jones19019/12/2015
14D Holland189Highlights: Bonaparte's Gull - another lifer for the year; Greater Yellowlegs - well worth the wild goose chase it led us; Little Gull - always nice to find one on the local patch; Surf Scoter - a British tick for me!; Ferruginous Duck - thanks to the local who showed me round Kingfisher Lake; Woodlark singing - just because.05/12/2015
15R Sawyer188YBW, BNG and Redpoll. Slav grebe, Bittern, Barnie Goose, Common Sand, Peregrine, Marsh Harrier, Dartford, Guillemot31/12/2015
16A MacNish18631/12/2015
17C J Thorpe17627/12/2015
18T Codlin17523/08/2015
19L J Amey151An improvement on 2014, plenty of county/UK life ticks as well. Missed a few, but not disappointed overall. Many highlights throughout, so quite chuffed on the whole. Again I would like to thank all those I have met, and for all the advice I have received during the year.02/01/2016
20P S Scorey149Now my lad has gone to school, I may get a few more this year, we shall see !!25/10/2015
21A Sutton14118/03/2015
22B Stalker136Latest: Brambling; Great White Egret; Avocet - five at The Vyne on 19th October - breaking my borough year-list record!! Lesser Redpoll 18th October. Highlights: Little Stint - first in the borough and bird of the year so far, closely followed by the Avocets and Marsh Harrier! So many great birds this year.20/12/2015
=S Mansfield136All on foot or cycle from Alton - inland only. 55 on foot on New Years Day. Best ever year - but nothing new since September. Raptors and Waders the pick - with low water levels at Alresford doing the business. Highlights: Water Pipit, Merlin, Hawfinch, Turtle Dove, Honey Buzzard, Goshawk. Redshank, Spotted Redshank, Dunlin, Ringed Plover, Wood Sandpiper, Black Tailed Godwit. Plenty of early spring migrant dates - but no Wheatear by 1 May. Main miss was Hen Harrier.02/01/2016
24L M Fuller126Latest: turtle dove, cuckoo, nightjar, honey buzzard all added over the bank holiday weekend. Great-white egret, tawny owl Highlights so far have been Greater Yellowlegs, Surf Scoter, Bonaparte's Gull, Pied Flycatcher, Hoopoe and obviously my rather ropey record shot of the Montie's Harrier :). Looks like gropper is going to be a pain again.... PHOTOGRAPHIC! 30/05/2015
25L Overy11923/10/2015
26T Keene115Really pleased to get Spoonbill in the UK at last.30/05/2015
27A Johnson34PHOTOGRAPHIC - only photos posted on Going birding. I'll also try to make each photo as good, or at least interesting, as possible.26/02/2015
28R Ford110 12/11/2015