2016 Hampshire county year listing

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1L M Fuller226Latest: Ring-necked parakeet, pallid harrier, scaup, Snow bunting, Razorbill (sadly not the hoped for little auk), shorelark, most distant of distant spotted crakes, Richard's pipit, White-rumped sandpiper, horray wryneck eventually, semipalmated sandpiper, Grey phalarope, Little Stint, osprey, curlew sandpiper, cattle egret! Honey buzzard(finally!), nightjar, turtle dove, red-breasted fly (superb find Nigel!), Roseate tern, wood warbler, spotted fly, stilt sandpiper, wood sandpiper, sibe/caspian stonechat 22/12/2016
2D J Ryves225Latest;Pallid Harrier; Black-throated Diver; Guillemot;Cattle Egret; Scaup; Snow Bunting; Little Auk ( Hants tick); Shore Lark; Sp Crake; Richard's Pipit; WR Sand: Previous PB now passed !!27/12/2016
3N J Montegriffo217Latest: Cattle Egret, Snow Bunting, Scaup18/12/2016
4A Johnson21616/12/2016
5A Lewis214All seen well, no heard only; latest 18th December - Cattle Egret (3), Black Redstart, Ring-necked Parakeet, P= photographed, P&P = photographed & posted (on Going Birding)18/12/2016
6M G Painter21321/12/2016
7N Jones20926/11/2016
=S Ingram209Highlights: Ferruginous Duck; Ring-necked Duck; GlaucousGull; Iceland Gull; Ring-billed Gull; Caspo; RnG; LtD; Velvet Scoter; YbW; Penduline Tit; WfG; LBDowitcher; Poms; Caspian Stonechat; Stilt Sandpiper; Cattle Egret; GWE; Semi-p Sand; Richard's Pipit; Little Bunting; Shorelark. One day will have enough time to crack 240 again.24/01/2017
9W Borras20404/12/2016
=P F Fawkes20427/12/2016
11K Pearce20330/12/2016
=J R Waterman203Congrats to Lee, 3 great birds in 2016 Stilt Sandpiper, Redbreasted Flycatcher - thanks Nigel and Pallid Harrier Not a bad year here's to 2017!14/01/2017
13A R Howe202Slow and steady...definitely not yearlisting but may tag along with Lee as he continues to go for everything.15/11/2016
14G D Fennemore19701/01/2017
15A Davidson19630/10/2016
16A MacNish19128/12/2016
17S P Piggott18805/12/2016
18C J Thorpe18224/12/2016
19D Holland16209/09/2016
20R Ford156Highlights: Penduline Tit 23/1 Gr White Egret 11/2 (Over my head whilst having a pint in The Globe, Alresford)22/04/2016
21L J Amey154White - Rumped SP (life), Red Throated Diver (life), Yellow LG and Curlew SP today. Nice little day out! Still got some of the more common species to get in order to bump the year list up. Happy enough, though.21/09/2016
22P S Scorey137Having a good start to the year so far, seen some nice birds. Pleased with little gull, black necked and Slovenian grebes. Crosshill yesterday at Hawkhill enclosure were nice and a rather nice med gull.01/12/2016
23S Mansfield133All on foot or cycle from Alton - inland only. 38 on foot on "dry" walk New Years Day. Reasonable Jan with Water Pipit and Great Grey Shrike. Feb good: GW Egret, Goosander, Hawfinch. Poor March but good start to April - Gos, SEO, belated Golden Plover, Self-found Ring Ouzel (Fleet). Ringtail Harrier sp. in May is one that got away. A wet ride gave Black Terns and Little Gulls in classic Black Tern weather. Turtle Dove hanging on at a site where found during atlas, and the always-difficult Lesser Whitethroat chanced upon near Alice Holt having searched suitable habitat in the Candovers with no success. 128 at end of May. Mud at Alresford pond 4/9 gave Blackwit, Ruff and Marsh Harrier06/09/2016
24B Stalker126Only listing the local stuff again. Latest: Pintail06/11/2016
25R Sawyer124Not remotely trying this year, good luck to the pros. A day out with Andy Mac added 48!31/10/2016
26T Codlin8810/01/2016
27S Read7127/04/2016