2017 Hampshire county year listing

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1A Johnson228Latest: bittern & barred warbler 19/11, purple sand 7/11, pink-foot 4/11. Highlights: lesser scaup 29/10, rosy starling & yb warbler 8/10, pec sand 21/8, white-winged tern 14/8, marsh warbler 12/6, stormie 9/6, Manx shearwater & ELEGANT TERN 7/6, long-tailed skua 11/5, red-rumped swallow 3/5, Kentish plover 21/4, Bonaparte's gull 19/4, serin 5/4, black-winged stilt 1/4, rn grebe, rn parakeet, ferruginous duck, Caspian gull 5/2; waxwing 28/1, glaucous gull 25/1, little bunting 24/1, rb gull, 8 cattle egrets.19/11/2017
2D J Ryves226PB equalled (but may be bettered if I can find out if LEO record is accepted) with 5 Hants ticks-Lesser Scaup; Long-tailed Skua ;Red-rumped Swallow; Serin; Little Bunting;( could have been 6 if Elegant Tern hadn't flown just before I arrived).17/11/2018
3A Lewis225Seen well only: Year in Hampshire finished for me now as abroad until 2017; Happy Christmas all; an enjoyable year, not least the 7 (!!) Hampshire ticks I managed. Fingers crossed for the same in 2018!17/12/2017
4L M Fuller217Latest; r b shrike, Pectoral sandpiper, whinchat, WWBT, pied fly, osprey, Marsh warbler 13/6; honey buzzard 26/5; wood sand and common sand 7/5; pom skua, bonxie, black tern, arctic tern from a very good hants seawatch 30/4; Serin 7/4;bonaparte's gull 19/4; smart male Kentish plover, arctic skua, curlew sand, gropper on 21/4; wood warbler, little owl and lesser whitethroat 22/4; 19/11/2017
=P F Fawkes217Having failed to respond to a County 'tick' in Serin, or to the Red-backed Shrike and Yellow-browed Warblers, and having now missed out on Pied Flycatcher, I am doubtful of reaching my previous best of 223. A couple of visits to Milford-on-Sea did produce a Balearic, but little else of note, and I was fortunate enough to be in the right place at the right time for Red-necked Phalarope. I have still to add Kittiwake, Ferruginous and that there Parakeet, but target almost out of sight. Still, good fun!24/11/2017
6J R Waterman216Congrats to Andy top Hants Year Lister 2017 With finds like Elegant Tern WW Black Tern Serin in 2017 Top Hants Birder Thanks Alan for finding Hants first Lesser Scaup A big thank you to the Finders of Kentish Plover Little Bunting Barred Warbler Quail Storm Petrel Caspian Gull Great 2017 Happy New Year to all Hants Listers and-hears to 2018 01/01/2018
7A R Howe21219/11/2017
8R Sawyer211Well I am declaring. Thank goodness that is over, completely spoilt my birdwatching enjoyment, my hear sank every time I saw something on RBA for Hampshire - groan. Congratulations to Andy Johnson - good effort with some fabulous finds. Huge thank you to all the finders and the people who put me onto the birds, glad I could slightly replay with my Long-tailed Skua even if I didn't 100% ID it! Was very pleased with my 12 Hants lifers in 2017. Thanks too to the people I met at the 'twitches' who were in good humour, particularly Dave 'Puffin' Ryves and Phil Fawkes. Last but not least, thanks to Andy MacNish and Dave Taylor for their company, really appreciated it chaps. I am not doing that again in a hurry - but good luck to the 2018 listers. 31/12/2017
9A MacNish20928/12/2017
10N Jones20706/12/2017
11T J Saunders20229/12/2017
12G D Fennemore19801/01/2018
13S P Piggott19629/12/2017
14P Boult190Enjoyed doing my first Hampshire Year List, I am trying for 200 in 2018.05/01/2018
15N J Montegriffo187Quail heard only03/11/2017
=A Davidson18716/12/2017
17C J Thorpe180weekends only, joint sightings with AA Thorpe31/12/2017
18K Pearce17706/12/2017
19W Borras16921/05/2017
20R L Lee16815/05/2017
21M G Painter16522/12/2017
22S Mansfield136All on foot or cycle from Alton - inland only. 54 on foot new years day - including Green Sandpiper and Brambling. Very slow start to year but Cattle Egret and Water Pipit. Garganey and Redshank at Fleet Pond. Osprey over Binswood from Oakhanger. Grey Plover at Alresford. And found the Shortheath mystery warbler. Cracking start to August with Oystercatcher, Wood Sand and Pied Fly all self-found. Good finish too with YLGull, Marsh Harrier, the escaped White Stork. Sep: Black-tailed Godwit, another Osprey. Oct: LSW. And another 3 Hawfinches during the irruption.31/10/2017
23B Stalker133Only local stuff listed (=133). grasshopper Warbler is heard only. Black-winged stilt, lesser scaup and barred warbler added to county list. 30/12/2017
24P S Scorey131Another cracking day out with my lad, Fantastic views of the snow bunting about 4 ft away from us at one point. And then my first views of short eared owls since 1995 !! My boy was knackered by the time we got home but inspired :)30/12/2017
25L T Parkin55I am a bird watchers that loves to walk in the countryside I don't chase around to get a large list at the moment I just log what I see. However I am sure when I am retired I will take up a bit more of the chase game to improve my list I started recording in 1996 and my life list is only 194 birds for the UK with 155 on my county list information from my log book will be put on to the hampshire lists. I am going to start from 2017 and work backwards until. My records are up to date23/02/2017
26L J Amey462016 was not a bad birdwatching year considering the last half I was unable to get out, due to illness. Still at least I beat 2015 total. Personal highlights:White-rumped Sandpiper, Wood Sandpiper (3), Caspian Gull, Red-Throated Diver, Ring-billed Gull, Little Tern, Black Tern and Bittern. (All life ticks). Thank you to everyone I have met throughout the year for their advice and tips. All the best for 2017.27/09/2017