2018 Hampshire county year listing

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1P F Fawkes232Shall abide by the decision of the 'powers that be' on Black Guillemot and Aquatic Warbler, but have them on the list for the moment. Then there's the Southampton Water Sooty to consider, perhaps, 31/12! Have not been able to hit the dizzy heights of many in previous years, and poor misses included Grasshopper Warbler and Wryneck. Still, good fun - I think! 27/12/2018
2T J Saunders227Also Thayers gull at blashford lakes. YB warbler hearer only 31/12/2018
3G Stephenson223 17/12/2018
=D J Ryves223 17/12/2018
5A Lewis221Latest - Tawny Owl and Willow Tit - 2nd December; Twite - 30th Nov; Snow Bunting, Bittern and a long overdue Barn Owl seen superbly on 25th Nov, Marsh Tit! Havant 13th Nov; Yellow-browed Warbler - Hayling Billy - 11th Nov; Merlin - a perched male at an undisclosed site on 3rd Nov! all species seen, no heards in this total02/12/2018
6N J Montegriffo220Latest: Twite, Snow Bunting, Bittern, Jack Snipe, Little Stint, Yellow-browed Warbler, Pectoral Sandpiper, Richard's Pipit, Ortolan, Red-backed Shrike, Grey Phalarope, Curlew Sandpiper, Black Tern30/11/2018
=N Jones220Congratulations to PFF for his total. Lots of commitment and some great sightings. Well done. Also, congratulations to the runner-up, Tommy Saunders.31/12/2018
8J R Waterman209Thats me done added Bittern today at Blashford Many Thanks to the finders Highlights Savis Warbler, Marsh Sandpiper, Temmincks Stints,White Tailed Eagle, And the poor Sootys A very Happy New Year to all Hampshire Birders and congratulations to Philip 2018 year lister Winner well done 31/12/2018
9L M Fuller207Thayer's gull, Iceland gull, Caspian gull, Ring billed gull, ferruginous duck, Lesser scaup, red necked Grebe, Ring necked parakeet, long tailed duck , cattle egret.14/09/2018
10A MacNish204 26/11/2018
11K Pearce201 19/12/2018
=A 2201No heard onlys. Never intended to year list, but it happened. Pleasantly surprised with the total despite having signifyingly less birding time now due to work. 184sp seen on patch plus 17 elsewhere (locations given for off patch).26/12/2018
13S P Piggott195 27/12/2018
14S Ingram193A NYD best (124) for The Team with no name. Nigel Jones, Phil Jones and Tommy Saunders & Myself. Well done to the Ovenreadies who scored the same ;-) Highlights 2018: "Thayer's" Iceland Gull; Lesser Scaup; R-n Grebe; R-b Gull; P-f Goose; G-w Teal. 20/12/2018
15P Boult191 10/01/2019
16A R Howe190 22/09/2018
17A Friend182 03/09/2019
18T Stimpson180 27/12/2018
19C J Thorpe171Joint sightings with Andy Thorpe, evening and weekends only. Not serious contenders but interesting to compare.29/11/2018
20A Davidson164 20/08/2018
21M G Painter158 31/12/2018
22P S Scorey142 31/10/2018
23B Stalker136Basingstoke & Deane District only - final total. A good year in the borough, personal best equalled but just couldn't beat it! Highlights: water pipit, Med gull, goshawk, spotted crake and pectoral sandpiper - all borough life ticks. Heard only species NOT included in this total. Savi's, marsh sandpiper and ortolan added to County list.31/12/2018
24A R Mountford13309/02/2018
25A Johnson12617/02/2018
26S Mansfield116All by foot or cycle from Alton - my usual list, inland only. Highlights: Water Pipit, Hen Harrier, Crossbill. Didn't get out nearly as much as usual - and few autumn waders at Alresford. 02/01/2019
27A P Lunn99 18/11/2018
28J Scorey95 03/01/2019
29J Scorey112/04/2018