2012 Hampshire local patch year listing

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1L M FullerNeeds Ore nr151Needs ore nr. Not really a patch as such but probably the place I visit most weekends. Best birds so far are nightjar today, self found long billed dowitcher, spoonbills, glossy ibis and red breasted goose!10/12/2012
2R H MarchantHook-with-Warsash148COASTAL (ESTUARINE) 5 x 5 Hamble Estuary east to Brownwich. Bonxies and Poms being patch mega firsts in eighteen years, and at last a long-awaited Red Kite. Crossbill on 22/8 also a patch lifer. A Kittiwake concluded the year list at 1 less than 2011 total.31/12/2012
3S WoolleySimon Woolley138Done on a circular basis - 2.82km radius = 25km202/01/2013
4K SayerBlashford133INLAND 8x3 covering Ringwood part of the Avon Valley (mostly private) a bit of The New Forest and of course Blashford Lakes. Recent good birds include: Glossy Ibis, Great White Egret, Great Northern Diver, Red Kite & Raven.04/12/2012
=G StephensonFleet133INLAND. 5x5 - patch as per JMC. A running total that reflects the good spring, but 5 to 10 short of a big year owing to the below average autumn. 15th Dec: Finally added Marsh Tit at about the 10th attempt.15/12/2012
6J M ClarkFleet130INLAND 5x5 km includes Fleet Pond, Miles Hill, Basingstoke Canal and Edenbrook Country Park, adjacent to a new housing estate on the NW side of Fleet. Autumn very quiet so far, but a smart adult Arctic Tern at Fleet Pond 3/9 made up for missing one in spring. Thanks to GCS. And I fluked an Osprey flying over Miles Hill on 10/9. Very slow in Oct/Nov but 4 Waxwing over Tweseldown 2/12.03/12/2012
7N JonesRomsey126INLAND 5 x 5 covering water meadows, river vally,woods and a tiny bit of heath.07/10/2012
8D WallaceBrownwich and Chilling124Coastal (estuarine) 4.5 x 2.5. A small but manageable patch comprising mainly Brownwich and part of Chilling, but excluding Hook-with-Warsash. Highlights: Yellow-browed Warbler, Red-necked Grebe, Marsh Harrier, Ring Ouzel, Waxwing, Black Redstart, Great Northern Diver, Great Skua, Raven, Nightingale.31/12/2012
9T CodlinBotley Wood/Curbridge etc121ESTUARINE AND INLAND 5X5: I have chosen this area as it includes Botley Wood, Manor Farm Museum and Curbridge, which are all my ringing sites and therefore where I spend most of my time. Highlight to date Red Kite 07/01/2012 with other goodies including Raven, Woodcock and Barn Owl15/12/2012
10G Horacek-DavisLower Itchen Valley119INLAND 5x5, centred on home & patch. Inc: Midanbury(Home), Townhill Pk, Allington Ln, Moorgreen Fm(Patch), IVCP, West End, parts of F'Oak/Bish'stoke, Eastleigh S.Wks & Lakeside. Best birds: Ouzel (Ta Ian!)/Blk Redstart/Pied Fly/Red Kite/Hawfinch/JSnipe/G'sander/ Mandarin/Raven/WRail/W'dcock/Merlin18/11/2012
11H R CornfordOLD ALRESFORD116INLAND 5x5 Mostly farmland plus Alresford pond and Alresford town and watercress beds. Reed Bunting in garden, only second ever. Raven over garden & now Great Crested Grebe, latest birds, Osprey, Linnet, Spotted Flycatcher & Reed Warbler.Little Gull and at last a Yellow Wagtail that wasn't a Grey Wagtail. Great sighting of Lesser Redpoll on our niger feeder. Stonechat thanks to Dave P.Merlin over farm. Fantastic Great White Egret 1st for me in this area.29/12/2012
12J StockwellAndover114Fun While it lasted... Now residing in West Berks (Still Keeping a county lifelist though!)04/09/2012
=D J PearsonItchen Valley114INLAND 8X3 The Itchen valley between Easton to the west and Old Alresford to the east. The area includes the river Itchen and its tributaries, Avington Lake, Arlebury Lakes and Alresford Pond. Best birds: Smew, Dunlin, Brent Goose, Ruff, Garganey. Latest: Water Pipit, Black-tailed Godwit, Garganey. Target: 120.06/12/2012
14D HoughtonNewlands Fm/Ranvilles Lane1133x3 INLAND. Patch ticks: Cuckoo, Cetti's Wbr, Common Sand, Osprey, Ring Ouzel and Kingfisher. Other highlights: Sibe Chiff, Black Redstart, Merlin, Brambling, White Wagtail, Shoveler, D-b Brent, Oystercatcher, Barn Owl, Whimbrel, Firecrest, Barnacle Geese, Water Pipit, Woodlark, Marsh Harrier, Woodcock and Ravens. Five additional species heard-only: Water Rail, Curlew, Little Owl, Yellow-browed Wbr and Crossbill.31/12/2012
15M RolfeRanvilles Lane/Newlands Farm112Inland 3x3. Highlights: Brent Goose, Shoveler (patch tick), Gadwall, Marsh Harrier, Osprey (patch tick), Merlin, Water Rail, Oystercatcher, Woodcock, Curlew, Common Sandpiper (patch tick), Green Sandpiper, Common tern, Cuckoo, Wryneck (3rd patch record), Kingfisher (2nd patch record), Black Redstart, Ring Ouzel (patch tick), Cetti's Warbler, Siberian Chiffchaff, Firecrest, Raven, Brambling, Crossbill (patch tick), Yellowhammer.03/11/2012
16S IngramEastleigh111INLAND 5x5km centred on my home square. Includes Lakeside CP, Itchen Valley CP, Eastleigh SW, North Stoneham, Hut Wood, Home Wood & Eastleigh. Waxwing, Goldeneye, Pied Fly, Oyc, Blackwit, Goosander and Hawfinch at Lakeside best birds so far. All bar 6 seen at Lakeside 1x1km square.29/11/2012
17M J SmithItchen/Mansbridge110Itchen from Northam Bridge to Chickenhall Viaduct. Inland patch with some tidal river. All walkable from my home in St Denys. The only Patch-lister to get a Shag this year...:-D Have missed at least 15 species through the year10/06/2013
18D HoareEast Winchester108INLAND 6x4ish patch from the Winchester Water Meadows East to Cheesefoot Head. Includes St Catherine's Hill, Winnall Moors, and my house. Highlights so far include: Iceland Gull, Short-eared Owl, Dunlin, Black-tailed Godwit, Shelduck, singing Firecrest, Wheatear, Whinchat, Redstart, Spotted Flycatcher and Yellow Wagtail. Hawfinch a real bonus, especially as I was working at the time. Missed several including Grasshopper Warbler (usually reliable here), Goosander, Hobby, Osprey and Pied Fly.24/10/2012
19J R Watermanjim waterman107Inland 5x5 Bishopstoke Water Meadows, Stoke Park Woods, Farmland, Wet woodlands Streams and small Ponds, Mega Birds: Summer Adult ICELAND GULL, 2 RUFF, 1 Female Stonechat.Ring Ouzel 2 Med Gulls, Hobby,Crossbill, Black Redstart, Whinchat, Barn Owl, 6 months in exceeded all expectations looking forward to Autumn Migration. Just need more Waders and Ducks GREAT FUN27/11/2012
20M ArmitageOld Alresford105INLAND 5x5km square centred on Old Alresford village in OS grid square SU5834. Mostly farmland, includes Old Alresford Pond, Abbotstone Down and watercress beds. Highlights were Brent Goose, Osprey, Dunlin, Ruff and Water Pipit. Lots missed though...03/01/2013
21T R JordanEast Winchester1035x5 Inland square including Winnall Moors (southern part), Winchester college watermeadows, St Catherine's Hill, Twyford Down, Winchester SF, Cheesefoot Head/Longwood Warren/Fawley Down.04/09/2012
22M PittChineham & Vyne101INLAND 5x5:Centred to include my home and the Vyne, includes farmland and copse but key site is the Vyne, Vyne Watermeadow and Morgaston Wood Highlight to date are Smew, Pintail, Jack Snipe and Water Rail. Biggest misses currently: Raven, Peregine and waders21/10/2012
23R FordKingsley96INLAND 5x5, target 100sp. A mix of farmland, woodland, heathland and water-bodies. Best birds so far: Red Kite (still a novelty here), Wigeon, Little Egret, Green Sandpiper, Goosander and Ruff!!!! blog.digitalwildlife.co.uk 12/10/2012
24J ShillitoeHundred Acres915x5 Inland. Farmland, West Walk, a bit of the Meon and a small fishing lake.02/01/2013
25M G PainterSouthampton90Includes 2.5 km of upper Itchen estuary from Northam bridge to Woodmill.11/12/2012
=S KeenSway area905 x 5km square. Not strictly my local patch, but includes home and a lot of incentive to get out on foot. Ninety was the bottom end of my target range, but very distracted with other stuff, should do better next year. Star bird undoubtedly the Turle Dove in June, too many easy W's missed: Woodlark, Wheatear and Whimbrel should all have been straightforward.31/12/2012
=S MansfieldAlton908*3 at Alton. Woodland, farmland and town. A couple of ponds and a bit of river/stream. Best birds to date: Green Sandpiper (East Worldham & Alton), Crossbill and Lesser Redpoll (Chawton Park Wood), Pochard, Water Rail, Raven, Brambling (3 males in the snow 4 March), passage Redstart. All by cycle/walk. (Just found I missed entering cuckoo back in may)21/01/2013
28C Bespolkast catherines hill and surrounding area8810/10/2012
=B StalkerCharter Alley88INLAND 5x5 km. Centred on my home square. Mostly farmland with a little woodland and including Ewhurst Park lake. Highlights:Yellow Wagtail, Whinchat, Woodcock, Hen Harrier (m/f), Pochard, Wigeon, Shoveler, Egyptian Goose, Mandarin, Tawny, Barn & Little Owls. Latest:Brambling.28/10/2012
30J DedmanBeaulieu86Inland with with stretch of tidal river, 5x5 Area centred on our garden covers Beaulieu Heath East from Beaulieu to Holbury and south to Exbury, mostly heathland and woodland with a section of Beaulieu river down to Bucklers Hard.12/12/2012
31C RoseFour Marks85Inland, centred on my garden, mostly woodland and farmland including Chawton Wood and Old Down Wood. I will be keeping a record in my blog at http://fourmarksbirding.blogspot.com/ Most recent success have been Barn Owl and Grey Partridge. Highlights for the year, Osprey, Peregrine, Raven, Spotted Flycatcher, Willow Tit, Firecrest and Lesser Spottted Woddpecker. I have now beaten my target of 80, hoping there will be some surprises through October12/11/2012
32P M WarneLepe Country park84I have a few places I visit alot but if I had to choose my main one it would be Lepe. I think its a relatively under-watched place as far as I can tell from my many vistits. It includes scrub, some woodland coastal stretch and part of the river. with a couple of fields , marsh and wet meadows.24/08/2012
33M CollinsHAVANT83Inland 5X5 covering my home, leigh park gardens,Havant thicket area28/12/2012
34A DavidsonUpper Itchen Valley80Inland 3 x 7; Alresford Pond in the north to Cheriton in the south; river valley, downland-arable, parkland29/07/2012
35D RobertsonHambledon795km square centred on Hambledon, farmland on South Downs, with only one area of water (local pond) so like a few others wildfowl are going to be a challenge! 13/2/12 update. Mega for the patch today, with a fly-over of two CORMORANTS! Only the second sighting in the area in 12 years. And finally, watching with optics! New binoculars making all the difference. Highlight update: singing Quail 30/7/12; Pied Flycatcher 10/8/1201/01/2013
36D M DerrickBishops Sutton76INLAND 3x8 From just West of the centre of Ropley to Itchen Stoke; chiefly farmland and woodland, but including Alresford town and Old Alresford Pond.10/12/2012
37C J ThorpeNorth Baddesley68CJ Thorpe and AA Thorpe.North Baddesley Village, Baddesley Common and Emer Bog . This is including Crampmoor from the bus stop at the end of the straight mile and Green Lane from the bus stop in Ampfield opposite Hillier House. Most sightings on walk home from bus stop after work plus weekends.04/06/2012
38T CarpenterFareham E & Portsdown67INLAND 8 by 3 centred on the Peregrine pylon at South Boarhunt. Frightening absence of standing water probably means ducks will be the rarities. Best bird Tawny Owl, heard from my bed and Common Sand and Greenshank my only two waders.17/06/2012
39T HaleNorth Baddesley59INLAND. A 5Km area centered around the village of North Baddesley. A mixed area of habitats but very little water. I hope to get 100 species, but 80 is probably more likely, with a lot of help and luck!19/07/2012
=R WatsonRobert Watson59Centred on SE Basingstoke, mainly urban, but some country S of M3. Best findings so far : winter Chiffchaff and Pintail in Eastrop Park. Missing treecreeper, mute swan.09/08/2012
41I R HampsonLongwater Lawn555 x 5 centred on Longwater Lawn. Ashurst, Lyndhurst, Beaulieu Road. Shatterford Car Park is the southern edge, Fletchwood Copse, Ashurst the northern edge. So expecting to get Hen Harrier without too much trouble, although drawn a blank so far in 2012. Concentrating on the little reported areas of Fletchwood Copse, (including my garden) Costicles and Busketts inclosures.10/12/2012
42P S ScoreyPaul Scorey50I have never done a patch list before so I will give it a go this year. My Patch will be Basingstoke town centre and the various parks within the town centre including Black dam ponds. It won't be a big list but you never can tell what will turn up.07/05/2012
43N BrayWest Wellow42Inland 5km by 5km centred on home square. Had a couple of good walks. Very few birds. Saw 4 lapwings which was expected but always good to see on 15 jan. On second jan best spectacle was a flock of starlings on a telegraph wire as the sun set and a song thrush singing in my garden. Best Surprise was first great grey shrike i have ever seen in my local area. on 22 had only my second ever little egret in local area 29/03/2012
44S WiseLiphook32Inland, LIPHOOK, Hampshire I have mostly recorded birds seen from rear upstairs window which overlooks a tall hedge of Hawthorns, Hazelnut , Blackberries, Holly with Mar - May & mid-Oct to mid - Dec away29/12/2012