2013 Hampshire local patch year listing

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1M WardLymington area163COASTAL 8x3 centered on home in Lymington but covering Normandy/Oxey Marsh and part of Beaulieu Heath & Norley Incl. Not given Normandy as much attention as normal this year, new for the patch for me were Long-billed Dowitcher, Long-eared Owl and Goshawk.31/12/2013
2R H MarchantHook-with-Warsash156COASTAL (ESTUARINE) 5 X 5 Hamble estuary east to Brownwich. Patch lifers - Mandarin at Bunny Meadows 11th Jan & Hen Harrier over Soton Water 25th Jan. Best sightings to date - passage LRP flock of 7 at Workman's Lane 26th Mar, Juv Black-necked Grebe on Links scrape 24th Aug, autumn Nightingale on the deck 27th Aug, 2 Ospreys over 10th Sep. Brown Shrike 20th Sep -what can I say! And another patch lifer on 2nd Nov - a Great Grey Shrike.17/12/2013
3M J PalmerTitchfield Haven NNR147Only seen from Titchfield Haven NNR,including canal path and shore/sea.My worst year so far in 30yrs of birding TH.No heards.30/12/2013
4D WallaceChilling, Brownwich and Titchfield Haven145A 5x4 km coastal patch comprising mainly Chilling, Brownwich and Titchfield Haven. Highlights: Great Grey Shrike, Osprey, Spoonbill, Scaup and Brown Shrike.31/12/2013
5L M FullerNeeds Ore NR134Highlights so far: Short-Eared Owl, Barn owl, Marsh Harrier and Mandarin!30/07/2013
6K SayerBlashford132INLAND 8x3 Kms. Same patch as last year covering The Blashford Lakes complex, a bit of the Avon valley including the now world famous Bickerley Common and a bit of the New Forest around Ibsley Common. Aiming to beat last year's total of 133.05/12/2013
7N JonesRomsey127INLAND - 25 contiguous 1km squares, based on River Test, and around Romsey and my home, and covering water meadows, river valley, woods and a tiny bit of heath.27/10/2013
8A R HoweNeeds Ore124Highlights so far inc. Scaup, SEO, Mandarin, Merlin02/06/2013
=C BespolkaArea around winchester124INLAND. Winnal moor, Crab wood,Chilicomb, st catherines hill, winchester sewage farm and the water meadow.Highlights for year:Iceland Gull, Mandarin Duck, Avocet, Gropper, L Redpoll, Osprey, Wood Sand, Ruff, jack Snipe, Little Owl and YLG07/12/2013
10G StephensonFleet Pond etc.121INLAND 5 x 5. Same area as last year.08/09/2013
11H R CornfordOld Alresford113Centred more or less on my home in Old Alresford. Really enjoyed finding out what is actually about in our area. Caught up with Wigeon on the pond plus a Male Goosander. Best sighting so far, young Male Black Redstart on watercress beds, & Brambling in garden. Arctic Tern & Marsh Tit. Now Turtle Dove and Spotted Flycatcher.14/12/2013
=G Horacek-DavisLower Itchen Valley113INLAND 5x5km Sq, but mainly Midanbury(Home) & Moorgreen Fm(Patch). Square also incl: Townhill Pk, Allington Ln, IVCP, West End, Eastleigh S.Wks, Lakeside & parts of F'Oak/Bish'stoke. 119 last yr. Wasn't going to do again this yr, but hay ho! Best so far, Crane (Gdn & 5x5 lifer), Iceland Gull & Osprey (M'Green patch lifers), Arc Tern & Wood Warb (5x5 lifers, Ta Simon).29/12/2013
13S IngramEastleigh South112INLAND 5x5 - Centred on my Home square in Eastleigh. Includes Lakeside CP, IVCP, Home Wood, Hut Wood and North Stoneham. A very dissapointing final total. Gone are the days of 120+ in a year at just Lakeside (102 on the patch this year). A Happy New Year to all!! 31/12/2013
14J M ClarkYateley area1095x5 km patch centred on Yateley and including Eversley GP, Yateley Common and Blackbushe Airfield. Pallas's Warbler, Black-necked Grebe and Barn Owl a good start. R B Merg roosting with Goosanders. Fine Marsh Harrier, then a surprise Smew on 1/4.01/09/2013
15R FordWoolmer108INLAND 5x5: Back on my usual patch this year Woolmer Forest and Ponds, the square also takes in Bordon, Passfield pond and some farmland. Best birds Wood Sand and Ringed Plover28/11/2013
=T CodlinBotley Wood/Curbridge/Manor Farm108ESTUARINE AND INLAND 5X5: Covering the same patch as last year, hopefully with more time, so my aim is to beat last years total of 121. Highlights to date Firecrest on 13th Jan, raven, kingfisher and barn owl on 20th Jan. Lesser Spot was a welcome addition weekend on 27th Apr30/12/2013
=M J SmithItchen Navigation1088km stretch of the Itchen running diagonally across a 5km square that starts from my house in St Denys. From Northam Bridge, Cobden Bridge, Woodmill, Mansbridge, M27 and north to Bishopstoke railway viaduct. Half is tidal, but not coastal. 110 last year, so I'm hoping to repeat that14/04/2015
18D MurrayWoolmer106Same patch as R Ford. A challenge!09/11/2013
19S A BoswellEast Winchester103Roughly 5x5km square area east of Winchester. Includes Winnall Moors, St Catherine's Hill, Winchester Sewage Farm and my house. Highlight so far: Iceland Gull02/05/2013
20M RolfeRanvilles Lane/Newlands Farm101Inland - sticking to my local patch. Highlights: Little Ringed Plover, Whimbrel, Wryneck, Grasshopper Warbler, Wood Warbler (a patch tick), Firecrest, Pied Flycatcher, Yellowhammer.03/01/2014
21D J PearsonWinchester East98INLAND: the 3X8 rectangle from Avington down to Morestead containing Avington Lake, Cheesefoot Head and Longwood Warren. An area that I have not paid enough attention to previously and near enough to home to allow plenty of short visits. Includes some under-watched areas so there may be some surprises!04/09/2013
22M ArmitageOld Alresford97INLAND 5x5km square centred on Old Alresford village in OS grid square SU5834. Mostly farmland, includes Old Alresford Pond, Abbotstone Down and watercress beds. LATEST NEWS: Barn Owl in new location & Little Owl. Water Pipit.11/10/2013
23B StalkerCharter Alley93INLAND 5x5 km. As previous year, centred on my home square. Mostly farmland with a little woodland and including Ewhurst Park lake - 88 to beat! Highlights:Spotted Flycatcher, Common Sandpiper, Whinchat, Peregrine, Scaup, Common Gull. Latest: Stonechat21/12/2013
24J R WatermanBishopstoke915x5 Inland Bishopstoke Water Meadows Private Land, Stoke Park Woods, Brook Field Farm, West Horton Farm,and Fairoak, some great birds last year could be hard to beat High lights so far Golden Plover missed last year16/11/2013
=M ClayLongparish91Centred at home in Forton, Longparish incorporating a large stretch of the River Test, and a little of Bransbury Common. Definate highlights were Osprey & Bittern 200 yards from the door!18/11/2013
=S MansfieldAlton91Same as last year: 8*3 including woodland, farmland, town and a couple of ponds and streams. All by foot/cycle. Highlights:Hobby, Peregrine & Red Kite over the garden. Wigeon & Shoveler. Redstart, Wheatear and Yellow Wags on same day. Leucistic Swallow. All came to a horrible stop in Autumn and late winter despite plenty of time in the field.04/01/2014
27S KeenSway area90Same 5 x 5 INLAND square as last year. Ninety again, but a different ninety, try again next year!01/01/2014
=D RobertsonHambledon/Old Winchester Hill9025 x 1km squares around Hambledon/Chidden. Farmland on South Downs up to Old Winchester Hill, with only one area of water (local pond) so like a few others wildfowl and waders are going to be a challenge! Out to try to beat 2012's 79 total. Highlights: BRAMBLING 8.1.13, BARN OWL 10.1.13, RED KITE 13.1.13, RAVEN 13.1.13, CORMORANT 11.3.13, STONECHAT 14.3.13, COOT 18.3.13, MEDITERRANEAN GULL 1.4.13, OYSTERCATCHER 12.4.13, SWIFT 28.4.13 (earliest patch record), TURTLE DOVE 19.5.13, QUAIL 21.8.13, HOBBY 22.8.13, WHEATEAR, YELLOW WAGTAIL, SPOTTED FLYCATCHER, COMMON REDSTART 23.8.13, WHINCHAT 27.8.13, RING OUZEL 22.9.13, CORN BUNTING 28.10, MARSH TIT 28.10.1304/01/2014
29J ShillitoeWest Walk86Inland. Much the same area as last year, including West Walk, Hundred Acres, bits of the River Meon, but going for 6*4, instead of 5*5.29/09/2013
=M CollinsMike Collins86Same patch as last year,a 5x5 including my home, West leigh and Havant thicket,the only water being Leigh Park gardens pond.Not expecting to beat last years total but i already have 2 for this year not seen in 2012(snipe ,teal) and i surely must connect with a barn or little owl this year31/12/2013
31S P PiggottNew Milton858x3 inc Barton Common/Golf Course north to Wootton Coppice.11/12/2013
32W G D LeggeFleet Pond80Area includes Fleet Pond. Starting late and as a non-resident don't expect the totals to be impressive. More a personal challenge! Best birds Oystercatcher, Med. Gull. & Sandwich Tern19/07/2013
33J StockwellAndover7709/02/2013
34I R HampsonLongwater Lawn535 x 5 centred on Longwater Lawn. Ashurst, Lyndhurst, Beaulieu Road. Shatterford Car Park is the southern edge, Fletchwood Copse, Ashurst the northern edge. Concentrating on the little reported areas of Fletchwood Copse, (including my garden) Costicles and Busketts inclosures. After proclaiming last year I should get Hen Harrier without a prob, I of course dipped. This year a male obliged on 5th Jan! Hoping to easily beat my abysmal total of 55 in 2012!25/04/2013
35R WatsonBasingstoke49As last year - 5 x 5km centred on SE Basingstoke. Best so far Meadow Pipit and Reed Bunting which were missed last year & Sedge warbler in Eastrop park.24/04/2013
36S WhiteLorsdwood39Seen in garden and surrounding area05/04/2013