2016 Hampshire local patch year listing

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1S KeenMilford to Normandy1785 x 5 km coastal. A fabulous year!! Lots of surprise extras, including some excellent finds, but also plenty missed that I might have expected (almost entirely on the sea, which has been mostly awful). Many thanks to Amy for the competition, without which I wouldn't have seen nearly so much or had nearly so much time in the field, an excellent score there, especially given the relative sizes of our patches. Also well done to Tom J for winning the proper challenge, top indoor patch, which this was originally set up to be. Best patch day list this year = 101 (24th August). Self-found highlights: Cattle Egret, Hoopoe, Stone Curlew, Garganey, Jack Snipe, Osprey, Roseate Tern, Ring Ouzel, Lapland Bunting.31/12/2016
2A 2Titchfield Haven & Hill Head176No heard-onlys. Fab year - 21 patch ticks: Snow Bunting (thanks M Finlason), Semi-p (thanks Alan L); Honey-buzzard (thanks Ivor); LTD & Pom (thanks Richard L); Dartford Warbler, BTD, Nuthatch & YBW (thanks Dan); Barn Owl (thanks Lyndon); Glauc & Iceland Gulls, Guillemot, Red-breasted Merg, Brambling, Spotshank, Wood Warbler, Arctic Skua, Stone-curlew, Velvet Scoter, GWE. Other highlights: Pied Fly & Wood Sand (thanks Dan), SEO & Tawny Owl (thanks Dave W), Goosander, Caspian Stonechat!30/12/2016
3D WallaceChilling, Brownwich and Titchfield Haven162My home patch, a 5x5 km coastal square. A record year, mainly due to unprecedented coverage of the Titchfield Haven area, although the rarest bird - Alpine Accentor - slipped through the net. Highlights: Penduline Tit, Caspian Stonechat - thanks to Amy, Pomarine Skua - a Hampshire tick (thanks to RL), Semipalmated Sandpiper, Stone-Curlew, Snow Bunting and Water Pipit, all patch lifers.31/12/2016
4S P PiggottMilford Shelter to Normandy160Coastal 5x5. Highlights - Long-billed Dowitcher, Stilt Sandpiper, White-rumped Sandpiper, Bittern & GWE.18/12/2016
5R H MarchantHook-with-Warsash158COASTAL (ESTUARINE) 5 x 5 km Hamble estuary east to Brownwich. Best to date: ad drake Goldeneye 1/1, Black Redstart 3/2, s/pl Slavonian Grebe 4/4, GWE 11/4 & 2/7, 1s Little Gull 15/4, ad drake Garganey 5/5, ad drake L-t Duck 8/5, 7 Black Terns 10/5, Red Kite 28/5 & 21/7, Y/L Gull 8/7, Marsh Harrier fem 9/7, juv 16/8, juv 9/9, White Stork 21/7, 2 juv Curlew Sands 26/8, juv Little Stint 27/8, Ruff 1/9, juv Arctic Tern 1/9, juv Osprey 13/9, ad s/p R-t Diver 18/9, 3 Ring Ouzel 11/10, Jack Snipe 21/10, Velvet Scoter 19/11, r/t Hen Harrier 26/1106/12/2016
6M HalliganMilford to Normandy1575x5 coastal square and area inland.16/11/2016
7P F FawkesLEPE140Coastal (Solent) from Inchmery House east to the coastal strip of the Cadland Estate. The area covers all 'accessible' habitat four hundred yards or thereabouts inland of the coast and includes Lepe Farm, the Dark Water Estuary, Lepe Country Park (and Nature Reserve) and Stansore Point. 146 in 2014 and 148 in 2015, so no prizes for guessing what the target is for this year, although I shall be away for six key weeks.29/08/2017
8P D WinterLower Test1326x4. Bury Marsh in the south to Skidmore in the north23/12/2016
9M J PalmerTitchfield Haven 5 x 51225 X 525/04/2016
10S ClemonsLower Test Marshes120Southern end. Anti-clockwise circuit (usually) from Bell Crossing, including Great Testwood Farm, Whetrans Copse, the "old bridge" and Gover Road/Test Lane.23/12/2016
11T R JordanWinchester East119Inland. Two species heard only, everything else seen. All self found. Highlights: Semipalmated Sandpiper, Spotted Crake, Dartford Warbler, Black Redstart, Pied Fly, YB Warbler (heard only). 01/01/2017
=H R CornfordOld Alresford119Same patch for the 5th year, still trying to get the so far elusive 120. Great views of Hen Harrier and Marsh Harrier in the same week, brilliant. Almost as good week following Merlin and Great White Egret. Fabulous Christmas day sighting of Bewick Swan overhead as we were just going to set out for our Christmas lunch.06/01/2017
13G CalderwoodEast Gosport117Same boundaries as last year, A32 to shoreline, Fleetlands to Heritage way03/01/2017
14S IngramSouth Eastleigh / Lakeside110INLAND 5 x 5. No salty stuff anywhere on my patch.:-( Centred on my home square in South Eastleigh. Most of my sightings will be from Lakeside CP but will try to explore a little more this year. Highlights = Yellow-browed Warbler (2); Hawfinch; Curlew; Jack Snipe; Egyptian Goose; Lesser Whitethroat; Whinchat; LITTLE TERN; GREY PLOVER ; Mandarin.15/11/2016
15D UnsworthLower Itchen10815/12/2016
16I MearsNorthney & Oysterbeds106Northney & Stoke, North Hayling Island including the Oysterbeds and northern Billy Trail consisting of estuary, scrub and farmland27/11/2016
17M J SmithItchen Central102Fifth year now along the Itchen, covering 15x 1km squares from Northam Bridge to Eastleigh Sewage Farm and covered, in sections, once a week. Patch list = 130. 110 in a year still a target I haven't achieved yet Three ticks already this year - Self-found TURNSTONE + COMMON TERN. Also GREAT NORTHERN DIVER off St Denys Boardwalk, Yellow-legged Gull, Yellow-browed Warbler and Pied Fly31/12/2016
18M ArmitageOld Alresford100NLAND 5x5km square centred on Old Alresford village in OS grid square SU5834. Mostly farmland, includes Old Alresford Pond, Abbotstone Down and watercress beds.07/01/2017
19D MurrayWoolmer and surrounding area94Same as last 3 years. Inland, mainly Woolmer pond and forest but also surrounding area.15/04/2017
20J F SmithBordon eco area91Same as last year which includes Woolmer pond and forest,deadwater valley,Headley mill pond and part of Broxhead common.Hopefully still on bicycle and foot Unfortunately missed Great grey shrike but got brambling for the first time in several years.Will probably stick to same area but access to Woolmer increasingly difficult.29/12/2016
21S MansfieldAlton90Same as last year: 8*3 including woodland, farmland, town and a couple of ponds and streams. Alton - Beech/Chawton to East Worldham. All by foot/cycle from home. 70 by end Feb - up two on last year with Stonechat and Water Rail - within 200m of each other at East Worldham. Major lack of Golden Plover anywhere in area all winter. Med Gull a first for me in all of East Hants. Singing Tree Pipit within the patch a first for a few years. Sand Martin at Kings Pond excellent for the site - but the Barnacle Geese there were 100% plastic (rather than NE Hants pseudo-wild). 27/11/2016
22R FordWoolmer and surrounding area88INLAND 5x5: Woolmer Forest, Passfield pond & Bordon area15/05/2016
23D RobertsonHambledon/Old Winchester Hill80INLAND: 25 x 1km squares around Hambledon/Chidden. Farmland on South Downs up to Old Winchester Hill, with only two areas of water (a local pond and a fragment of the Meon!) so like a few others wildfowl and waders are going to be a challenge! Out to try to beat 2013 and 2015's best patch total of 90. Patch list to date: 125. CORMORANT 1.1.16, GREY WAGTAIL 1.1.16, MARSH TIT 4.1.16, SWIFT 30.4.16, SHOVELER 30.4.16 (patch tick)03/11/2016
24B StalkerCharter Alley & Ramsdell77INLAND 5x5 km Once again centred on my home square. Garden, farmland, woodland and Ewhurst Park lake. Record: 93 in 201306/11/2016
25L J AmeyCosham Area75Patch encompassing Cosham, IBM Lake, Tipner Lake, Hilsea Lines, Ports Creek up to Western edge of Eastern Road Bridge. Habitats: Urban, inland lakes, coast, reed beds, mixed wooded areas.29/12/2016