2017 Hampshire local patch year listing

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1S KeenMilford to Normandy180Self-found highlights: Jack Snipe; Yellowhammer; Great Egret; Velvet Scoter; Cattle Egret; Wood Sandpiper; Little Gull; Red Kite; Yellow-legged Gull; Rose-coloured Starling; Short-eared Owl;Yellow-browed Warbler; Scaup; Goosander; Black-throated Diver, Hen Harrier. Best patch day list this year: 109 (19th April).22/12/2017
2S P PiggottMilford Shelter to Normandy170Highlights - Goosander, Garganey, Scaup, R-n Grebe, Manx Shearwater, Bittern, Cattle Egret x3, GWE, Hen Harrier, B-w Stilt, Kentish Plover, Purple Sandpiper, Grey Phalarope x3, Pom Skua, Roseate Tern, SeO, Wryneck and Grasshopper Warbler x3.22/12/2017
3D WallaceChilling, Brownwich and Titchfield Haven166My home patch, a 5x5 km coastal square. A record year - thanks to AR for her contribution. Two patch lifers: Red-rumped Swallow and Barred Warbler. Other highlights: Pomarine Skua, Pectoral Sandpiper,Black-winged Stilt, Great White Egret, Yellow-browed Warbler and Snow Bunting.31/12/2017
4R H MarchantHook-with-Warsash156COASTAL (ESTUARINE) 5 x 5km Hamble estuary east to Brownwich. Highlights L-t Duck 1/1, Merlin 20/1, Marsh Harrier 20/1, 6 Scaup 21/1, Barn Owl 22/1, 2 Velvet Scoter 6/2, 2 Mandarin 17/4, Garganey 21/4, Arctic Tern 22/4, s/p Spot Shank 22/4, Jack Snipe 22/4, 2 Red Kite 23/5, Storm Petrel off Chilling Sub-station 7/6, 2 Roseates 20/7, BlackTern & Kittiwake 5/9, Curlew Sand 10/9, Little Stint 7/10, Ruff & Hawfinch 28/10 26/12/2017
5P F FawkesLepe139Best self-found birds thus far - Bittern, Roseate Tern, Goshawk, Grey Phalarope and Great Whit Egret02/12/2017
6P D WinterLower Test1326x4. Bury Marsh in the south to Skidmore in the north. Target 133. Scaup 8/1 - my first on the patch since 2000. Bittern 10/1 first since 2012. Little Stint and Little Gull 12/519/11/2017
7S ClemonsLower Test Marshes126Anti-clockwise circuit from Bell Crossing. Including Testwood Park, the "old bridge", and Gover Road/Test Lane. Personal best of 120 in 2016.18/12/2017
8T R JordanEast Winchester119Latest: Redstart and Redshank (7/9). A couple of very overdue Wheatears (9/9). Ruff (10/9). Black-tailed Godwit (11/10). Hen Harrier (5/11). Merlin (25/11).25/11/2017
9H R CornfordOld Alresford116Didn't quite reach my target last year of 120, so trying again. Same area. Highlights so far Hen Harrier, Siskin and Jack Snipe (the latter I have never seen before let alone on this patch.)01/01/2018
10P D WinterLower Test Marshes112Birds seen on the Clemons circuit!26/07/2017
11M ArmitageOld Alresford109INLAND 5x5km square centred on Old Alresford village in OS grid square SU5834. Mostly farmland, includes Old Alresford Pond, Abbotstone Down and watercress beds. HIGHLIGHTS: Cattle Egret, Woodcock, Firecrest27/01/2018
12G CalderwoodGary Calderwood106Same boundaries as last year, A32 to shoreline, Fleetlands to Heritage way17/12/2017
13M HalliganSway, Roydon, Lymington river and reed beds104Mostly inland forest 5x5 with Lymington reed-beds giving some semi-estuarine habitat. Won't be challenging the coastal boys! Target of 100. Previous pb=99. Highlights this yr - GWE, Pied Fly, Rouzel.31/12/2017
14I MearsNorthney & Oysterbeds, Hayling102Northney & Stoke, North Hayling Island including the Oysterbeds and northern Billy Trail consisting of estuary, scrub and farmland 28/10/2017
15D MurrayWoolmer pond, forest and surrounding area101Same as last 4 years. 5x5 inland patch. Woolmer Pond and forest and surrounding area. Having reached 94 last year 100 is a target to aim for this year.27/12/2017
16S IngramSouth Eastleigh / Lakeside100Inland 5x5km centred on home square. Most records will be from Lakeside CP (My true patch) but Itchen Valley CP; Home Wood; Hut Wood; North Stoneham and Eastleigh SF all fall within area. No tidal areas but will aim for 110-120. All Lakeside unless noted! Highlights: Hawfinch; Black Redstart; Curlew; Osprey; Green Sand; Marsh Harrier. Running Total =66 Jan: 72 Feb: 79 March: 88 April:27/12/2017
17R FordRichard Ford93Woolmer Forest and Pond - Bordon and Whitehill27/04/2017
18S MansfieldAlton89Same as last few years: 8*3 including woodland, farmland, town and a couple of ponds and streams. Alton - Beech/Chawton to East Worldham. All by foot/cycle from home. 54 on foot new years day - including Green Sandpiper and Brambling. Escaped White Stork 29/8.29/12/2017
=J F Smithbordon eco area89As Woolmer is a large area of heath with a large pond I am continuing to use this for my list provided its accessible.In the area will also be deadwater valley LNR and Bordon inclosure SANG. Also will include "Bordon Eco Town",Lindford and Headley mill pond.30/12/2017
20L J AmeyL J Amey38Same patch as for last 3 years. Cosham (urban). IBM Lake (lake, reeds, mixed wood, open ground). Tipner Lake East of M27 (coast, mudflats). Hilsea Lines (mixed woods, lakes, reeds). Ports Creek to West edge of Eastern Rd bridge, (Coast, mudflats, mixed woods, open ground).17/06/2017