2023 Hampshire garden year listing

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1N Jones79Romsey14/12/2023
2S Ingram75Allbrook, Eastleigh. All birds recorded from House & garden, so flyovers included. Moved here in March 2019. 67 species (2019); 75 Species (2020); 73 Species (2021); 73 species (2022).30/11/2023
3S Keen70Sway26/12/2023
4C D Roseveare56Sway08/10/2023
=M Halligan56Sway02/01/2024
6P D Winter50Rownhams26/12/2023
7J G Ross45 12/11/2023
8P S Scorey33Let's see what I can get to on here then...includes fly overs and flyby.27/03/2023