Kevin Haggar

Recent sightings

03/10/24RedwingStockbridge Down1K Haggar
1 flew over heading South West, my first sighting this autumn. (Also 7 Swallow through between 09:00 and 11:00).  
30/09/24Yellow WagtailEnham Alamein3K Haggar
With cattle in field just north of village until 09:30 then flew off high to South, also 150+ Swallows and 5+ House Martins moving South between 09:00 and 11:00am.  
12/09/24Spotted FlycatcherStockbridge Down3K Haggar
juv. 3 birds together approx 100m from small car park. (Chiffchaff and Whitethroat the only other migrants seen in a 2 hour visit).  
12/09/24OspreyFishlake Meadows1K Haggar
Perched on dead tree by platform, also Red Kite on a nearby tree and good numbers of hirundines earlier today.  
08/09/24SwiftEnham Alamein2K Haggar
2 swifts south (separately) with pulses of hirundines (150+ Swallow and 50+ House Martins) between 11:00 am and 1:00pm ahead of thundery rain. (Also 1 Hobby through).  
19/08/24SwallowEnham Alamein8K Haggar
juv. First passage birds of autumn, present early morning only then moved South (None breeding in the immediate area). SU366492.