Storm Petrel


Storm Petrel


2023Storm Petrel, Hill Head, unknown, 4th November, Flying W 15.11. (Alan Butler)
2023Storm Petrel, Hill Head, unknown, 24th September, Flew mid solent just above the waves; watched 20 seconds before disappearing from site. Time: 09:41. (Thomas Stone)
2023Storm Petrel, Lepe, Stansore Point/Pools, unknown, 20th September, initially heading W c300m out but spooked by B-h Gull and then headed SSE toward Ryde. Time: 09:50. (Bob Chapman)
2023Storm Petrel, Hill Head, adult, 29th July, Seen Moving steadily west just inches above the waves around 700m out from cliff road where me and Chris Rose watched it until we lost it through the waves. @09.55. (Mark Francis)